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welcome 🙂

The all important question, which colour have you gone for?

I've been pumping for 2 months and like you although my HbA1c was ok I was having so many hypos.

I think on MDI it can be difficult so see what your needs are, and like most people I don't have a flat basal profile, I can now see this and understand that I was never going to match my needs with a basal insulin.
Hello CBT,

It's nice here so I hope you like it.

I've been pumping for just over two months and mine is called Adam. TeamPump most certainly does rule although I still look at the Novopen and feel like I've tossed aside an old friend with little thought of it's feelings. Hey ho.
Hi Sofaraway,
I think my pump may be clear but there are so many accessories out there, going to get some of the more funky one and jazz him up a bit ha ha ha.
Funny you mentioned your Novopen Seasiderdave looked at mine yesterday and thought it going to be strange not having him in my pocket anymore ha ha ah
Never realised I was so sentimental, or is that just mental LOL as you say Hey ho.
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