Just found out I'm pregnant and freaking out

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Hi! Just a quick update. I had my scan on Sunday and there was a little dot with a heartbeat so thats great news. However, now I've seen there is actually something there I am getting more and more infuriated when I get a blood sugar out of range. I also wanted to know what week you started having hypos? I've been starting to feel a bit nauseas but can't decide if it's in my head or not! Thanks xx
Hi, that's great news about your scan. I had one too at nearly 7 weeks and made me feel reassured knowing everything was okay. I found my hypos really started getting worse about week 7. They have got better the last week since I reduced my lantus of an evening. I have since increased my lantus again as my readings were creeping out of target later in the afternoon and that has helped. I still go low about once a night and sometimes a couple of times during the day. I have started having a snack before bed and wake up in the night to check reading to eat something before I go low. I have suffered with nausea but thankfully no morning sickness so far. I was the same, getting annoyed at myself when a reading was out of range but as my fiancé and family tell me it is not your fault and don't blame yourself. You are doing the best you can. I found what helped me relax more was when when I go low or slightly high as long as I correct or treat straight away then I know I am doing everything I can. We also have hormones and a constantly changing body so that is all going to have an effect. My doctor said to me you don't want to take your foot of the gas but at the same time you don't want to be too overwhelmed either. It is about getting the balance right for yourself. My doctor prescribed me a glycogen pen just incase. I have never used one and hope never too but it is good to have everything you need just in case.
Dear CharlieAnn,

I have just found your post, being in an identical situation. I have tested positive/pregnant today, and now very anxious as I know that the day we conceived was the day I started suffering from a terrible cold/ flu. I am type 1, use a pump and Libre2, but as with any virus, my bloodsugar ran very high for about 3 days due to fever (even with double the amount of insulin and next to no food)! For the following 10 days my average reading was between 9-14. I know I can get it under control from here, as I’m feeling much better and fully recovered from flu. Having said this however, even when working hard at my control, my pre meal readings can be 7-8, and after meal highs around 9-11. I am worried this isn’t going to be good enough and will impact the foetus.

If you wouldn’t mind sharing, I would really like to know whether your pregnancy, delivery, or baby suffered due to the early flu illness you experienced? It’s stressing me out a lot to know that my first 2 weeks of pregnancy has been so poorly controlled.

FYI - I have been taking folic acid, vit D, vit B12 for a while and recently started iron supplements. But I also don’t want to proceed with this if I am at significant risks of complications due to poor control. I am very scared. I don’t want to reach out to my DSN just yet.
Welcome @Heaher88 🙂 Even though I didn’t have flu, I had highs early in pregnancy. It was upsetting because I couldn’t get them down for days, but I did get them down ok and my baby was fine🙂

It’s impossible to have perfect numbers all the time during pregnancy. I had highs up to 15. Obviously, we try to get strict control but these blips will happen. All my 3 babies were fine. If you’ve tested positive today, you must be very early on. Please don’t worry. Those brief highs should be ok. Remember that some people don’t realise they’re pregnant for weeks. They’ve not kept tight control, they might have had alcohol, etc.

Please phone your team. My pregnancy DSN was amazing. They’ll help you tweak your insulin if needed and get you on the clinic list. The support during pregnancy is excellent.
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