Just diagnosed type 2 struggling with metformin

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Just an update, had bloods done last week my hba1c has dropped to 33 from 40 the previous blood test and my cholesterol is now 3.5 , its been and remains hard going every day as I measure everything I eat and exercise accordingly and drink a measured amount . Therefore its working for me jot sure if dr will start to reduce the metformin time will tell on that one. I do hope that every one is doing well and I send my sincere regards as this forum has helped me a lot
Well done Belfast1964, you sound like you're doing really well. Glad to hear that you found something that worked for you and that's reflected in your HbA1c. Nice one!
I had my metformin halved when my HbA1c started to look a bit better, and eventually stopped it after having a medicine review with the GP, probably a year and a half after I started taking it. Ask your GP/diabetes nurse what they recommend next time you see them.
Hi Sarah and thank you, its been hard work and careful diet along with exercise after I eat to burn of the glucose entering my blood stream. I know its going to be a life long battle for me until a permanent cure is developed, however I'm fitter and leaner than I've been in twenty years and I enjoy the new diet and training . I would say to all if u put ur mind to it that individually u can make a difference and get control back. Sarah do u just control ur t2 with diet and exercise now
Sarah do u just control ur t2 with diet and exercise now
Hi, yes, not so much the exercise, as I'm quite bad at doing that, but weight loss and diet has helped no end, so I'm on no medication for my diabetes now.
Like you say, it's a lifelong thing now, I weigh my food and am cautious with what I choose to eat. I'm also fitter than I have been for years now, so for instance, I work in a forth floor office and used to be a wheezing wreak after going up the stairs, and now I'm not out of breath, so I take that as a win.
Best of luck continuing your good work!
Well done Belfast1964, sounds like you're doing well still 🙂
Yes it takes a bit of self discipline in doing , but I enjoy the food now , i experiment in spice foods and exercise after eating
apart from walking around the house, all be it very slowly, I can’t exercise. It’s been a shock to my mind because up until 2017 I walked for miles and went to the gymn six days a week some of my mobility issues now are purely age related and not diabetic related. There are days when I could just sit and cry. I can no longer walk with my dogs so I pay a dog walker who is terrific, don’t know what I would do otherwise.

My last HBA1c in April was 6.3. Two weeks ago it was 9. I have been extremely diligent with my diabetes and have been on a low carb diet just as I was when I had my April results. I take my mmol readings three times a day and I am completely mystified, no matter what low carb breakfast, lunch or dinner I have in the past two weeks my readings a
have never gone below 10 when there is no reason. These readings are even higher than when I was first diagnosed in 2016.

Has this happened to others or does anyone have an explanation? y DN is on holiday from last week for three weeks?:(:(
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