Just bought a blood glucose meter and had a 9.2 reading

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My logic or hesitation of not going to the doctors is that as soon as I do, It is on my record for good. I have to declare it for insurances etc going forward so it costs more.

So my thought was that I could get some extra life insurance, maybe private health care now... try diet and exercise etc and see if I can sort it myself but maybe in 6 months or a year go Docs about it.

That way the life insurance is sorted at a good rate.
Also private insurance sorted at a good rate..

Then if I do develop or have Diabetes I should be able to keep that same rate?
I think anyway? or do they up the premiums if you get diagnosed?
As far as I can tell, most life insurers will ask your height and weight-- to calculate your BMI. With a BMI as high as yours, you will be charged much higher premiums.
PS The same will apply for private health insurance.

For life insurance: your BMI is so high that your life expectancy is much shorter than if your BMI were 25 or less. For private health insurance: your BMI is so high that you are likely to suffer many more medical conditions and need much more medical care than if your BMI were 25 or less.

Life insurers and health insurers will therefore charge you higher premiums, simply due to your weight. And whether or not you already have Type 2 diabetes, insurers will be 'pricing in' the fact that your BMI is so high that you will probably develop Type 2 diabetes.

So I'm not sure it would do you any harm to seek help from your GP, and it could do you a lot of good.
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