JonASS brother dog tag- What the hell??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm liking the title work their Lou!

Hey heading your way next week just for one day mind!
urgh i HATTTTEEEEEEEEEEE that nick jonas guy, pompous t**t.

what a waste of money...I wonder how many young diabetics are wearing that?
Loads on our email group have them, whether they wear them or not is a different story. For kids it is cool for a pop star to have diabetes and one that wears a pump is even better, as Nick Jonas does.

Whether I like them or not (Jessica does) Nick Jonas especially does so much work for type 1 kids with JDRF in the USA so hates off to him I think. 🙂
I think it's a lyric from a song he 'wrote' about diabetes...? Still rubbish though!
I disagree. Any young pop star that helps kids with type 1 think better about themselves has got to be good. Take Shane Board, singer, Harry Potter stunt double was fantastic at the Friends for Life conference with kids. It can all only be a plus. This is for free, the appearances that is, they want to help the kids as they know what its like.
I dont doubt at all he does good work, I just find the "a little bit longer and I'll be fine" thing rather an odd message!

Ive seen a few You Tube clips and I know he is very open about his diabetes. He doesnt appeal in the slightest to me (Im over the hill in that respect), but each to their own. For those that like him it can only be a good thing! I would have rather seen a more positive message...!
I dont doubt at all he does good work, I just find the "a little bit longer and I'll be fine" thing rather an odd message!

Ive seen a few You Tube clips and I know he is very open about his diabetes. He doesnt appeal in the slightest to me (Im over the hill in that respect), but each to their own. For those that like him it can only be a good thing! I would have rather seen a more positive message...!

It's good that kids have a positive role model. I'd prefer to see something like Nikki's 'Well controlled diabetes is the cause of absolutely nothing...!' - one of my favourite quotes!🙂
The problem is though is that kids/teens don't talk like that. If he put someone grown up on his tag, the kids wouldn't relate to it. A lyric from one of their songs if perfect and perhaps that is what they could come up with which could be relevant to diabetes.

"A little bit longer and I'll be fine" What is wrong with that, I don't get it. I take that as positive as in a bit longer to get used to it and all will be ok or something like that.

But just asked Jessica and she said 'well I won't be fine in a little bit' I'll have diabetes for ever ! but she does love the Jonas Brothers and thinks its really cool that Nick Jonas has diabetes ! Swings and roundabouts I guess. 😉
I think i am showing my age now - but i assumed the phrase 'in a little bit longer i will be fine' is something to do with coming out of a hypo?:confused:

I do think they appeal to under 14's - and if they get some positive messages from this sort of thing it can only be good i would have thought!🙂Bev
Hiya Bev

Hee hee that's a good one. That is a positive. Do you remember Lorraine was bringing loads back from the USA for the boys on the cwd list at one point. She was inundated with orders which is why I think things like this from pop stars are a positive thing.

This probably seems silly to some on here that I am trying to hammer this point home but its not about the fact its Nick Jonas, I couldn't give two hoots about him, but its about the fact that these kids with type 1 need someone to aspire to, to look up to and it will always be a famous pop star or sports person rather than any of us or 'boring' famous people so it is a very good thing. They don't care about the words and will interpret them as they choose and most likely not even think about positive or negative.

Thats all.
Thanks for giving us that perspective Adrienne. Of course, when I was eight I was quoting Kafka and Dostoevsky and my role model was Baudelaire...😉
I think he sucks and he is embarrassing! When he did his speech about having Diabetes as if it was the end of the world. Poor thing 🙄
He most definitely is. He seems to think that diabetes is the ned of the world when is really isn't. The bloody pathetic muso.

too bloody right. My view on him is thus, he's only doing so much 'work' for the JDRF so he can get more famous. Urgh

Katie said:
I think he sucks and he is embarrassing! When he did his speech about having Diabetes as if it was the end of the world. Poor thing

That speech of his made me groan in disbelief...
Haven't heard the speech and not interested. The kids I'm speaking about won't have heard the speach either. I think I would probably agree with Tom and co above if I had heard it. I'm only going on the dog tags as the kids, especially the boys wanted them.
PS Love the film Camp Rock as well, totally cheesy USA rubbish but what can I say, I have a 9 year old who wants to watch this stuff and I am converted !😉
Haven't heard the speech and not interested. The kids I'm speaking about won't have heard the speach either. I think I would probably agree with Tom and co above if I had heard it. I'm only going on the dog tags as the kids, especially the boys wanted them.

I haven't heard the speech myself but I have seen various things of his on youtube. Hi sapproach to diabetes isn't the greatest one. I much prefer the Sir Steve Redgrave approach to it. That is to say get on with it and make life as good as you can with it. You rule it, not the other way around.
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