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Jeremy Vine

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I get angry too and I am shocked at how type two are judged so harshly and unfairly. I always correct people as when I say I have diabetes, I get asked do I have the type due to my bad life choices and always let them know the truth. I have a very good friend who has just been diagnosed and have prepared him for the judgement from others. he has found out it is in his family, but has no symptoms except tiredness, he is fit, perfect weight, and was healthy in his eating though now reduced carbs greatly. He is waiting for the appointment with the nurse, wonder what she will say. It's same a mine so not expecting much from her, I have shared all the wisdom I have learnt from here!
I get angry too and I am shocked at how type two are judged so harshly and unfairly. I always correct people as when I say I have diabetes, I get asked do I have the type due to my bad life choices and always let them know the truth. I have a very good friend who has just been diagnosed and have prepared him for the judgement from others. he has found out it is in his family, but has no symptoms except tiredness, he is fit, perfect weight, and was healthy in his eating though now reduced carbs greatly. He is waiting for the appointment with the nurse, wonder what she will say. It's same a mine so not expecting much from her, I have shared all the wisdom I have learnt from here!

It's seems to be the pack mentality at the moment. I can accept that excess weight causes insulin resistance and it's consequences but I also wonder if people who have the genetic predisposition also have the propensity to become overweight as their endocrine system isn't functioning as it should?
I am a bit overweight but not massively but all my immediate family are type 2, my dad has never been overweight and has it. I've always had problems with blood sugar, getting shakes with carbs , my mum sister and nephew exactly the same and all diagnosed with Type 2 I exercise regularly but I know people who don't , who are overweight and yet not diabetic.
I am sick to death of the media in general. This is just not acceptable. Perhaps if the low fat eat everything full of carbs diet was not pushed so much then there would not be so much diabetes. I have written to Jeremy Vine via the email address given. I have basically told him I was diagnosed pre-diabetic last year, am not overweight, never have been and did lots of exercise.
Maz2, that is a very valid point. Much is made of the peer review system for assessing the validity of scientific studies. Originally this was very effective but now there are so many studies requiring assessment that the system appears to involve little more than rubber stamping. The study that established that fat was really bad for us was deeply flawed but it took thirty years for the scientific community to find out. In the meantime millions of people have been avoiding fat and taking in carbs instead. Such is the inertia of the Mainstream Media, they are still promoting low fat diets as being healthy, several years after the news broke that they are not. Having said all that, flawed as it is, the scientific method is still by far the best way to asses what is and isn't true.
I get fed up too of all the Diabetes type 2 and obesity business in the press and otherwise. I love saying I am a type 2 diabetic and seeing the shocked look on peoples faces because I am a size 8/10 go to the gym and do aqua classes and do lots of walking and eat healthy foods ( but not too many carbs) but I have the genes for Diabetes.. its on both sides of the family.. I was diabetic in my first pregnancy and two further ones and at the start of my first pregnancy I only weighed 7 stone 7 SO THERE YOU GO. Not our fault. Luck of the draw!!
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.