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Jeremy Vine

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Gwyn Williams

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was disappointed to listen to a Radio 2 article today by Jeremy Vine about Type 2 diabetics. Although a genetic disposition was mentioned it was barely noticeable, Jeremy Vine and his guest “Doctor” were more interested in stating that mostly Type 2’s are people who have made bad life choices or are obese. Now, while that may be true in a lot of cases, it’s not the full picture as you all know of course. Take myself for instance, I’m 5’ 7” and my weight has always fluctuated between 9.5 and 10 Stone, so hardly obese, in fact a perfect BMI. I also used to play high level squash, I don’t play now because age catches up with all of us. I do however still go on walks that are generally in the region of 6 Miles. I have never smoked and hardly drink alcohol. So, I don’t fit into this programmes “stereotype” of the typical type 2, and I’m sure many others could say the same.
I phoned the programme to try and have my say and the person on the other end promptly slammed the phone down on me, clearly I didn’t suit there agenda of demonising Type 2’s. The basic premise of the programme incidentally was how much we are costing the NHS with our “chosen life style”....
There never seems to be an expert in the field on there to counter these inaccuracies, although most people listening will think that as the guest is a Doctor he must be telling it as it is, even though he really isn’t....
Thank you for reading my rant, being Type 2 is bad enough without idiots like Jeremy Vine telling me it’s my fault.... It’s like telling someone with Cancer that they brought it on themselves, it’s frankly disgusting....
I was disappointed to listen to a Radio 2 article today by Jeremy Vine about Type 2 diabetics. Although a genetic disposition was mentioned it was barely noticeable, Jeremy Vine and his guest “Doctor” were more interested in stating that mostly Type 2’s are people who have made bad life choices or are obese. Now, while that may be true in a lot of cases, it’s not the full picture as you all know of course. Take myself for instance, I’m 5’ 7” and my weight has always fluctuated between 9.5 and 10 Stone, so hardly obese, in fact a perfect BMI. I also used to play high level squash, I don’t play now because age catches up with all of us. I do however still go on walks that are generally in the region of 6 Miles. I have never smoked and hardly drink alcohol. So, I don’t fit into this programmes “stereotype” of the typical type 2, and I’m sure many others could say the same.
I phoned the programme to try and have my say and the person on the other end promptly slammed the phone down on me, clearly I didn’t suit there agenda of demonising Type 2’s. The basic premise of the programme incidentally was how much we are costing the NHS with our “chosen life style”....
There never seems to be an expert in the field on there to counter these inaccuracies, although most people listening will think that as the guest is a Doctor he must be telling it as it is, even though he really isn’t....
Thank you for reading my rant, being Type 2 is bad enough without idiots like Jeremy Vine telling me it’s my fault.... It’s like telling someone with Cancer that they brought it on themselves, it’s frankly disgusting....

Well done you for trying to put your very valid point of view forward anyway.
I am a type 2 and I have never been overweight or sedentary either.

The BBC do have a mechanism for lodging complaints about matters such as this. You will have to be quite tenacious though. Their first line of defense is to take forever to get back to you so that you have to send them a reminder. There will then be a response with an apology for the delay followed by an insultingly patronising reply which refuses to acknowledge that they were in error in any way. The reply will however mention that your complaint has been logged, so that will be nice. Since their first reply will be riddled with falsehoods you can then fisk it and re-submit your complaint. If you fisk and re-submit it enough times you might eventually get them to admit that they were not absolutely 100% correct and that you might have a tiny bit of a point. This might sound like an awful lot of work but if you make sure that you know your stuff and have your facts straight it can be great fun.

Regarding Jeremy Vine, I stopped listening to him due to the cost of having to replace my radio after I had yet again picked it up and thrown it against the wall. My advice would be to buy a digital radio and listen to Absolute Radio or Planet Rock instead.
There used to be a blog called 'I hate the Jeremy Vine Show' that daily made the point that the show was total cack and had no place on prime time radio. The blog has been dormant since 2012 but the archive is worth reading if you need some light relief. Some of the comments are really funny.


The blogger in question has also gone through the complaining to the BBC and being fobbed off procedure and documented the process.
Glad I didn't hear that, we have radio2 on and that man makes my blood boil, when I actually listen to it, one day I am hoping I'll phone in and give him a piece of my mind, but I know I'll never waste my time on it! Some of his stuff is informative but mostly a bag of beep.
I have no choice but to listen to radio 2, the guys in work like it..... I'm an old guy who still likes radio 1...lol.
I have already submitted a complaint by the way, not for the first time. They did a story like this a few Months back too.......
All about how Type 2's are responsible for our own illness and are a burden on the NHS, who I work for incidentally....
I've contacted him directly as the email address vine@bbc.co.uk appears on the BBC website. My message was:

I would just like you to know that I am a 58 year old type 2 diabetic and last month I completed an ironman. Just in case you are unaware of what an ironman is, I will explain. It is an ultra distance triathlon that entails a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile cycle ride and a 26.2 mile run. Might I suggest that you complete one yourself before you accuse any more diabetics of having brought their illness upon themselves due to their sedentary lifestyle?

Maybe other members would like to give him a kicking too?
Is it worth a try to convert your colleagues to Absolute Radio? The Christian O'Connell breakfast show is really funny and streets better than the irritating Chris Evans. Thanks to digital technology, you can listen to the show while selecting your own choice of music. You can have sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, noughties - modern, or classic rock.
I have to admit I was sucked in by Mr Vines arguments and actually felt quite depressed after hearing the debate. I am a stereotypical type 2 but my job is very physically demanding so although I don't exercise I do get a damn good workout 4 days a week!
Good for you Chris Hobson. I had to listen to his programme a few times while on a course, as everyone else wanted to, I have to admit I found the it very annoying!

I don't know if you are on twitter, I'm not, so not sure if this would work, but I wondered if you put a similar message on his twitter page (?), would be seen by many people very quickly...just a thought.🙂
Good for you Chris Hobson. I had to listen to his programme a few times while on a course, as everyone else wanted to, I have to admit I found the it very annoying!

I don't know if you are on twitter, I'm not, so not sure if this would work, but I wondered if you put a similar message on his twitter page (?), would be seen by many people very quickly...just a thought.🙂
I'm not on twitter, just facebook...
I heard Dr Sarah Jarvis on his show a few weeks ago stating that type 2 diabetes is a condition brought about through lifestyle and not at like type 1 which she said is genetic. I thought type 1 was autoimmune and type 2 was genetic.

I'm type 2 as was my mum, sister and dad so have it on both sides. I take regular exercise, don't smoke or drink , not massively overweight but still got it. Yet I'm sure there are many people much less active and are much more overweight yet aren't type 2 diabetics. I'm getting a bit fed up with all the diabetic bashing in the media.
Ah Doctor Jarvis, yes she is one of the worst for giving an unbalanced view on type 2, heard her many times on Vine saying the same thing, she's an actual disgrace to her profession, basically being paid to spout the BBC propaganda on this issue....
I'm with you on being fed up with it, makes me really angry when I hear or read this crap, knowing full well I don't fit in their preconceived and stereotyped ideas of Type 2's..
I tend to avoid any discussion programmes about Type 2 diabetes as I know they will be talking rubbish. There is an obesity crisis, but the majority of obese people will not develop Type 2. Saw a programme recently about someone that was so big, they couldn't get out of the house. They did not have Type 2. These news stories are just gutter press.
I was incsensed when I heard her spouting this rubbish over the airwaves. I was driving at the time so switched over to another station as didn't want to become so annoyed that I'd be a danger on the road!

What amazed me was that a medical person would say type 1 is genetic but no mentionof auto immune, yet type 1 is much less prevalent than type 2 which would indicate to me that there is less of an inherited factor.
Problem is people believe all this crap about type 2 and then when they find out you have it they tend to look down their nose at you, because it's your own fault as they see it...Thanks to the BBC and other media outlets being disingenuous with the truth.....Makes me so "bleep" angry....
I tend to avoid any discussion programmes about Type 2 diabetes as I know they will be talking rubbish. There is an obesity crisis, but the majority of obese people will not develop Type 2. Saw a programme recently about someone that was so big, they couldn't get out of the house. They did not have Type 2. These news stories are just gutter press.

I agree Mark. I was watching a re run of Steve Millers Fat Families which was made in the noughties. At the health check on the participants they ran through the list of risks from obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, pressure on joints ....then that was it! no mention of diabetes at all ! I couldn't believe my ears and thought that wasn't that long ago yet it shows how this wasn't seen as a definite consequence of being obese.
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Problem is people believe all this crap about type 2 and then when they find out you have it they tend to look down their nose at you, because it's your own fault as they see it...Thanks to the BBC and other media outlets being disingenuous with the truth.....Makes me so "bleep" angry....

I agree with that when I was diagnosed I was 'told off' by someone...well what are you going to do about it? People think that you've done this to yourself due to what they hear in the media. The other one is being told that you can cure it through lifestyle ..
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