Jab row anger stuns diabetic

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Haha Bev, Alex is so smart :D Perfect response!

I'm guessing they meant she was using a pen, not a needle! especially when jabbing in the arm, a needle would be horrible.

When one of my pens got stolen in aus and my spare got lost, I had to use needles that I got from the hospital. There is no way I would inject with them in public, I would feel really uncomfortable! and I wouldn't inject in my arm with them because they are really long, so i had to slowly and carefully only put them half-way in - Impossible to do with one hand :D
What a arrogant man, he is the one scaring his own children! He could have explained it to them. Nice one, Alex 🙂
it will never stop me injecting Carly in public, we have been watched but no one said anything yet or it's showed most of them are happy for us to inject in public
what a shame

There is a lot of ignorance about. I havent had that particular problem simply cos my husband injects in his thighs and we dont pull his trousers down in public! Life would be easier for us if we could inject at table but we have drawn the line in our circumstances. But i appluad those who can and do. I suppose the base problem is that so very few people Understand diabetes. Any ideas how we can "educate" the general public?

PS oh no i dont "appluad" i applaud. i think spelling error but unsure, sorry!
Tummy is ideal for disrete injecting at table; zip off trousers ideal for discrete injecting into thigh - just unzip a couple of inches.
Some years ago I injected in a friend's car after he and another friend had gone into the burger place over the road. When we came out we found that a passerby had called the police!
Sad thing is, it's not just ignorance limited to diabetes... this reminds me of the furore over when CBeebies started a presenter with what I guess you'd call a birth defect, she only has one hand. Apparently parents complained to the BBC on the lines of "what if my child sees this, is scared & I have to explain?!" No-one actually complained that their kids HAD been scared, they were just worried that they might have to answer some difficult questions!! 😱 Idiots....

I used to inject in the loos until the time I accidentally left an insulin pen in McDonalds (I know, calories, I was a teenager with a high metabolism then! 😉) & they incinerated it!! D'oh! These days I inject as discreetly as possible, but at the table for hypo avoidance reasons. (plus it's flipping awkward lugging baby, toddler etc into the loo for a jab then back to the table! 🙄) As far as I am concerned it's a medical issue, if you don't like it, don't look!
Talking about toilets lol! I always remember watching something, can't remember what it was though, it showed how far toilet water/urine spreads from the bowl (if lid is up) when flushed. It spatters everywhere, all over the floor, up walls, over toilet paper - urgh!!! I've always remembered this so there is no way i do any diabetic related things in toilets as you just can't see where the crafty beggars of germs are :(
Never experienced anything like this before and hope I never do, but how pathetic was this person to belittle this lady in this manner.😡 At the end of the day neither he or his family needed to look if they were offended by this, but by doing so he has deliberately set out to provoke a confrontation. I hope his children don't see this fool as a role model and follow his example when they are older, but much needs to be done to educate people that insulin and insulin injections is a means of preserving life. Toby.
In case anyone missed it, here's my poem about it:

Farts versus Injections

Excuse me, I?m sorry, I must ask you to leave,
For our customers are shocked and distressed,
And there?s been a complaint that you made someone faint,
And the management are far from impressed!

But what did I do? I?m innocent, I say!
I was just sat here eating my meal!
I?m embarrassed and hurt by the things you assert,
Have you no care for how I might feel?

If anyone should leave, then that woman over there
Just frightened my kids by injecting!
So disgusting and crude, alarming and rude,
It is her that you should be ejecting!

So, you claim that a lady who must do that to live,
In a restaurant is far less befitting
Than to lift up one cheek and let out a slow leak
Of the gases that you were emitting?

I admit that I trumped, but it wasn?t so loud,
I don?t see what there is to discuss!
What did I do wrong? It didn?t take long,
I don?t see why you?re making a fuss!

Sir, injections are fine just before you can dine,
But a fart is a toilet-based act!
It is far from discreet and puts folk off their meat,
So in future, remember that fact!

That poem is brilliant, how long did it take to come up with that.........
The man is a total prat, and he had the cheek to call the woman ignorant!
re: tom's post

I reakon i could clear a bar faster with Kareoke than with flatulence or medical devices.... hehehe

Why and only last week i was telling my friend at work how i'd make a huge deal about having to glucose test if my afternoon break got cancelled...
"OOOO, oowwwww...oh...look at all that blood...." In the middle of the dispensary, should be hysterical.
Seriously, i skipped teabreak once last week (after a jacket potato of all things) and my blood sugar dipped into new and exciting territories, for me anyway...It made my head go all fuzzy.
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