I've been libre-ated!

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I’m very jealous of you guys !
I’ve finally decided to get one but when I went on the website (to get the reader and sensor ) it said that they are out of stock and that They’d email me when they are back in stock .....

I’m the same. It’s soo annoying!
Hi. I tried it, but have found for me it makes no difference at all. Mine usually seem pretty spot on from the start. I apply it, wait the hour and then off we go. If you find it's not very accurate first 24 hrs for you, maybe try waiting next time. For the 14 days I find the readings pretty close to glucose meter, particularly mid range and given the slight time lapse. High and low readings are not always quite so accurate but then maybe that's because levels are changing quickly and if I see a high or low I will always do a finger prick anyway to see if it's correct and any action needed.

Like most people it's the arrows that I find invaluable. Doctors have always been pretty happy with my levels (although they've slowly gone up a bit last couple of years) but the arrows have definitely helped me iron out the lumps and bumps a bit. It's just so easy to swipe your arm...seconds and it's done...anywhere.

Consultant and team can log into Libreview or diasend for me and see all the info, which is really helpful.

Sorry for ramble...I guess you really only wanted a yes or no.:(🙂
Hi Lisa, Thanks very much for your kind reply, plenty of useful info in there. I found the sensor worked straight away with no random readings when compared to my finger prick tests. So seems reliable enough for me ...….at least for this sensor. The only downside/plus side (depending on how you use the info, e.g if there was a big spike, then next time you might adjust timing of insulin before meal or avoid that particular food) to the Libre is you see what's happening between meals, something I wouldn't see with the normal prick before next meal - this makes it feels tempting to make a correction mid way! which is a no, no.
Indeed, travellor, the big advantage of the Libre is finding out what happens when you aren’t looking. It’s that info that helps with better control.
I have been using the libre for a week or so, wow! Just wow! Its the best thing since sliced *cough* ...erm...sliced cheese!

I have learned so so much, I would not test 3+ hours after eating so would miss the unexpected peeks and troughs, also very very interesting what happens at night, this should be given to every diabetic, its amazing.
I have been using the libre for a week or so, wow! Just wow! Its the best thing since sliced *cough* ...erm...sliced cheese!

I have learned so so much, I would not test 3+ hours after eating so would miss the unexpected peeks and troughs, also very very interesting what happens at night, this should be given to every diabetic, its amazing.
I agree it’s amazing. It’s helped me improve my control no end . That direction arrow is very handy for heading off an impending hypo too.
A word of warning though, due to the time lag also they can be less accurate at higher or lower BG levels , it’s best not to rely on the sensor to treat a hypo as your very likely to overshoot.
Hi Lisa, can I ask, given many users say first 24 hrs are a bit unpredictable as it beds in, do you put on the next sensor the day before the old one runs out? Then activate it?
Hi Amity

I am someone that has anoverlap of a day, as I prefer to let it bed in for 24 hours before having to activate it. I had some very weird readings for the first day when I first started using them, and have just stuck with this arrangement. Whoever’s paying for them I don’t want to waste any of the fourteen days.

As others have said it is so much easier than finger prick testing so I do it a lot more often and usually head off highs and lows, by acting on the info given by the arrows. I still need fingerprick for driving and also to ‘talk to’ my pump for corrections and bolus calculation, but it is brilliant for basal rate testing.
Hi Amity

I am someone that has anoverlap of a day, as I prefer to let it bed in for 24 hours before having to activate it. I had some very weird readings for the first day when I first started using them, and have just stuck with this arrangement. Whoever’s paying for them I don’t want to waste any of the fourteen days.

As others have said it is so much easier than finger prick testing so I do it a lot more often and usually head off highs and lows, by acting on the info given by the arrows. I still need fingerprick for driving and also to ‘talk to’ my pump for corrections and bolus calculation, but it is brilliant for basal rate testing.
You know, talking of basal, the Libre has sorted a real problem for me. I hadn't realised that at some point in past weeks (probably weather/season), my basal dose was too high. I have watched the libre graph every night for past 3 night basal testing and it has showed quite clearly my blood sugar dropping considerably and constantly. I've adjusted my basal by just 1 unit and now today it's running level! Such a brilliant device for unearthing problems. The Freestyle is an essential piece of technology for a Type 1 diabetic, even if it is just used for a couple of weeks at a time, to get to grips with what is really going on.
It is amazing what it shows. A high in the morning without the Libre could mean

- a need for more basal
- a night time hypo because of too much basal
- feet on the floor syndrome (with a proper name that I have forgotten)

You can find out by waking in the night to test, or SWIPE. Job done. Look at the graph and sort it out.
A word of warning though, due to the time lag also they can be less accurate at higher or lower BG levels , it’s best not to rely on the sensor to treat a hypo as your very likely to overshoot.
Also @Amity Island i am like Lin and have to bear in mind that my Libre tends to show higher values at the upper end, and lower at the lower end. This is more so when I am a bit dehydrated. So if wider discrepancies are showing up I use it as a prompt to drink more water.
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