It's natural, ugh

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A very interesting link, thanks for sharing. I shall be spacing out my water bottles, I don't want to drown! 🙂 Also, I occasionally suffer from cramps so maybe drinking too much water?
I don't know, I'm getting worried about this forum. When we can't decide how much insulin it takes for the perfect murder, we now get told how much water it takes to kill someone. Any future threads on the essential need to keep sharp your kitchen knives?

Anyway, answer me this come drinking 6 litres of water quickly can kill you, but 6 litres of beer won't? ( Unless you drive )
Any future threads on the essential need to keep sharp your kitchen knives?
I worry more about the blunt ones😱😱
I don't know, I'm getting worried about this forum. When we can't decide how much insulin it takes for the perfect murder, we now get told how much water it takes to kill someone. Any future threads on the essential need to keep sharp your kitchen knives?

Anyway, answer me this come drinking 6 litres of water quickly can kill you, but 6 litres of beer won't? ( Unless you drive )
That's 12 pints??? that used to take me a whole evening. Anyway, I think that beer contains more than water and includes a diuretic so you'd get some quicker clearance.
I don't know, I'm getting worried about this forum. When we can't decide how much insulin it takes for the perfect murder, we now get told how much water it takes to kill someone. Any future threads on the essential need to keep sharp your kitchen knives?

Anyway, answer me this come drinking 6 litres of water quickly can kill you, but 6 litres of beer won't? ( Unless you drive )
It will, it'll just take longer. :D
I'm not sure it counts as 'poisoning'

Arguably it might, isn't it caused by a bacterial infection in the lungs leading to a build up of fluid.

Having just consumed 1 litre of Moviprep, twice in 8 hours, I'm sure 6 litres of fluid (without the moviprep) would be enough to kill a person.
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