It's natural, ugh

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
What do people think of the use of the word natural.
"It's natural sugar!"
It's Sugar.
Agree with you Ralph, it's an attempt to fool the public into thinking that it's somehow 'good' for you - purely marketing! 😡
Just had this argument....errr I mean discussion with Mr Eggy. Our eldest granddaughter is very overweight and when she is with us I try and encourage her to eat and drink healthy options. Mr Eggy seems to think freshly squeezed orange juice isn't as " sugary" as bought orange juice because it's natural! I've tried to tell him "sugar is sugar"!
It is also the same people think honey is ok as it is a natural product, so are many poisonous plants and fungi !
What do people think of the use of the word natural.
"It's natural sugar!"
It's Sugar.
I absolutely hate it - there's a very over-simplistic belief amongst many people that "natural=good / artificial = bad", but the worst toxins are found in nature, viruses/bacteria are all-natural. the 'natural' way to deal with diabetes is to die of it before reproducing to remove it from the gene pool. Most insulin is from genetically modified organisms with the gene to create it inserted into their genome. most of the crops we grow are far far removed from their naturally occurring forms: they've been modified by us over the centuries.

Also, everything is made of chemicals and everything is toxic in the right dose: salt, sugar and water are all chemicals and will kill you very quickly in the wrong concentrations and it will take far less of it to do so than many substances that 'natural' obsessed people call poisons and panic about:

I hate the word natural. Its used to push all sorts of crap. "Juice plus" is made from 27 "fruits and veggies and it's all natural" yet it's in a powdered capsule. Not very natural then!

This literally happened a few days ago
"why can't you eat bananas?"
"the sugar in them pushes my blood glucose v high v quick"
"but it's NATURAL SUGAR"
LOL - sugar in useable form isn't natural of itself - sugar beet and sugar cane are, but you can't put either in your tea, can you, really?

LOL @Jonsi - Pete's Grandma didn't die of that - she died of old age!
sugar beet and sugar cane are, but you can't put either in your tea
My wife would probably try if I allowed her to have beets in the house
LOL - sugar in useable form isn't natural of itself - sugar beet and sugar cane are, but you can't put either in your tea, can you, really?
I've heard of people using honey.
Sugar is sugar. Since I find it hard to avoid sugar all together, I try to keep refined sugar to a minimum and will try only to have fruit which contains natural sugar as part of a meal. 🙄

One YouTube comment I saw recently was also along the same lines: "Arsenic and Botulism are natural, Sh!t is organic. Buicks are gluten-free. [...] People place too much trust in buzzwords instead of thinking for themselves."
Oh my gosh, look at Aspirin right up there! I take one a day, I don't want to neither but needs must. :( You just can't win.
Oh my gosh, look at Aspirin right up there! I take one a day, I don't want to neither but needs must. :( You just can't win.

Well, it's only a poison if you have too high a dose. So is salt or water. The people whining on about really safe pesticides like Glyphosate are ignoring this basic fact of bio-chemistry: that "the dose makes the poison". There's cyanide in an "all-natural" organic apple, and formaldehyde (the stuff they pickle corpses with) in pears.
When I was in Russia it was quite common to put a big spoonful of jam in your tea

Funny you should mention that, my mother was given that as a child, during the war when there wasn't any sugar. The good news was that she never had jam in her tea again and she never added sugar to anything when it became available. Possibly because of that I've never taken sugar in my tea or coffee and have never liked sweet things, not even chocolate.
Funny you should mention that, my mother was given that as a child, during the war when there wasn't any sugar. The good news was that she never had jam in her tea again and she never added sugar to anything when it became available. Possibly because of that I've never taken sugar in my tea or coffee and have never liked sweet things, not even chocolate.
yeah, rationing as a whole was very good for the nation's health (of course the bombing and shooting that went along with it wasn't)
Well, it's only a poison if you have too high a dose. So is salt or water. The people whining on about really safe pesticides like Glyphosate are ignoring this basic fact of bio-chemistry: that "the dose makes the poison". There's cyanide in an "all-natural" organic apple, and formaldehyde (the stuff they pickle corpses with) in pears.
I've heard you can drown in a puddle of water.
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