is this some sort of joke?

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Have reported this as well did not find it at all funny I have sense of humor but not for that attention seekers.
Silly question, what happens if a diabetic and a non diabetic want to get married, or what happens if a couple get married then have children then one or other or both devlope diabetes?

Sorry I am being flipant.

Not sure what you mean Caroline, the group is a joke :D

The group becomes slightly more funny after watching the video clip, but it's still stupid.
Yes I think so :confused: plus they also bring more attention to the original group, they even post the entire text of its description...

Yes you get me :D

Surely it's a parody and not meant to be taken seriously or as what the writers really believe.
Substitute 'gay' (or perhaps other groups ...people with Downs Syndrome, the unemployed) for diabetic.

I think the problem is it wasn't done well enough....or too well?

(snap Ellie... and it doesn't take long to find similar diatribes written against gay marriage in the US and Australia recently)

The difference is, as the creator of the group points out, those groups about gay marriage are not parody and this group is. He actually makes a good point by saying all the people complaining should go on over to the serious group about gay marriage and complain there.
From what I've heard about FB, there are a lot of serious hate groups by people who have real social problems.

This one sounds like someone who just wants to see how many people get angry.

It seems harmless enough in itself, although it could well become a cult with its own deity by teatime.

I've posted my own bit of nonsense. We'll see what that stirs up.:D

"Sirs, I must take exception to your view that Diabetics are unfit to be parents. As a diabetic and the mother of fifteen hopeful diabetics of my own (numbers 16 and 17 are due in about two months) I am convinced that ours is the only true path and that we will overcome someday. I fully believe in the institution of mar...(tharr be more)riage, to such an extent that I have tried it six times so far. The alimony and paternity payments keep us all in a very comfortable state and our shoe has all the latest gadgets and toys."
I laughed when I watched the video, its clearly not meant to be mallicious. And to be honest there are much, much worse things out there on the world wide web. The unfortunate fact of the matter is if it offends you the simple answer is don't look, no one is forcing you to 😱.

Reminds me of the anti-ginger stuff, anyone see that Southpark episode? 😛
yeah i think its just very satirical humour, i found it quite amusing, they're obviously joking! to be honest i find ginger stuff more offensive being a very out and proud ginger!
Not looked at Facebook but I have learnt that Kyle from South Park is diabetic.

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