is this some sort of joke?

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Probably a sick joke - I think I've seen it mentioned on Twitter in the past. Anyway, I have reported them for hate speech against people with a disease - suggest everyone with FB access does the same!
Some idiot with nothing better to do looking for a reaction, what a sad act!
Some idiot with nothing better to do looking for a reaction, what a sad act!

precisely what I thought I thought it was a joke but some people really are that sad... i reported it though 🙄
i've reported it, however read the info. It is actually meant to be a joke, it's based off an episode of South Park. Still, not a very funny joke.
I dont watch south park anymore.... they surely on 17th series by now? lol yeah i thought it was too moronic to be real lol 😉
I dont find these groups funny but I don't have a problem with them.
seeing this has actually got me thinking....

I hate these groups in general on facebook as I just don't like rude insensitive people, but I do get that the whole group is a joke...just don't find it funny.

initially even reading it as a joke got my back up. I've been made fun of before, but never because of my diabetes and i actually felt quite offended. but it did make me think of the million of other jokes that people just 'accept' as being funny about other illnesses (i would bet i have at some point and not even given it a second thought) but rather than accept this as being funny, its just made me think more of those sort of jokes and I will be more sensitive in the future.

it's not funny, it's someone's life.
I aint a touchy person really but I just dont get it thats all, I laugh at some diabetic jokes on tv etc, hell you gotta sometimes coz it is funny sometimes........
but that page has no real hint of sarcasm or anything the only way you could tell was the category the page was under 🙄

I just find it stupid, especially for facebook lol Just coz its a joke page dont gotta mean its funny, or that im uptight for that matter 😉 (was reading some of the drivel on the page btw) lol :D
i've reported it, however read the info. It is actually meant to be a joke, it's based off an episode of South Park. Still, not a very funny joke.
Let us hope they Respect the Authoritah of the Facebook moderators. 😛

Although I think the group is stupid and not funny at all, this group scares me more:!/group.php?gid=112775005438427&v=info

because it makes it look like there are people who actually are against 'diabetic marriage'. If you get what I mean...
Yes I think so :confused: plus they also bring more attention to the original group, they even post the entire text of its description. This sort of thing reminds me of people who bother to turn up at courts and police stations to bang on the side of vans driving suspected criminals towards / from the place in question. They always leave me feeling more sympathy for the person in the van. 😱
Apologies if any forum member reading this gets up to this police van hitting behaviour on a regular basis, I am sure you heart is in the right place! 🙄
Silly question, what happens if a diabetic and a non diabetic want to get married, or what happens if a couple get married then have children then one or other or both devlope diabetes?

Sorry I am being flipant.
Probably a sick joke - I think I've seen it mentioned on Twitter in the past. Anyway, I have reported them for hate speech against people with a disease - suggest everyone with FB access does the same!

Have reported it as well.
gah!!! i just reported it! ... hatefull ignorant people... and they wonder why i rage so much! ..
you can all report it , and there is a drop down bit saying it attacks a dissability or illness
report it!
It seems that by the second facebook page rossoneri gave, that it has nothing to with Soth Park at all, but Gay rights of mairrage in America!
Just seen this post and cant view fb here at work, and it will probably be removed by the time i get home............whats all the fuss about......?:confused:
Surely it's a parody and not meant to be taken seriously or as what the writers really believe.
Substitute 'gay' (or perhaps other groups ...people with Downs Syndrome, the unemployed) for diabetic.

I think the problem is it wasn't done well enough....or too well?

(snap Ellie... and it doesn't take long to find similar diatribes written against gay marriage in the US and Australia recently)
Once again, the generations of inbreeding that has been going on across the pond rears it's head again. Something to do with the bloody colonials as ever. I just do believe that it was taken a step too far. Granted I have a sense of humour but when I reach things like that, well, I have a bypass.
Well I must be a 'bad parent' for bringing up Jessica around needles because I'm diabetic, after all I chose to have this didn't I :confused:

Shame on facebook for letting such a group exist I have also reported it hopefully it gets removed.
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