is this normal

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
ok this might be a silly question but when i test my blood i sometimes notice a differance in what its like. sometimes it can be very thick an gluey looking an other times it can be very watery, is this normal an does anybody else notice this? xxx
I would say that it is normal, as I get the same. It tends to flow more easily and be much brighter red when I test after a run. Sometimes it's darker red and seems much thicker.
thanks again for the reasurance northener 🙂
yeah my blood is like that too , seems to change depending on my b.s aswell
I get this too, I am sure sometimes it tastes different too.

lol you lick the blood after doing your b.s too? 😛 i thought it was just me and i was gross lol 😉😛😉
mine changes all the time depending on temperature of hands aswell .....sometimes i cant get a drop ...other times it gushes ..and yes i lick much finger aswell ...i think it shows what complex beings we are
I lick my finger too.... Never thought about the taste. Perhaps I'll see if it does taste sweeter with higher BGs.
I lick my finger too.... Never thought about the taste. Perhaps I'll see if it does taste sweeter with higher BGs.

Phew, I thought after posting about the taste you would all say how weird I was, I forgot for a moment we are all diabetics 🙂
I lick my fingers, and let me do the maths here. Let's say an average of 3.0ul (i know some meters do less, but work with me here... I'm going on the volume of blood left on the finger!!!), on an average of 8 times per day - thats 24.0ul a day for 14.5 years = 127020ul swallowed (bear with me while I work out how many liters this is...)

127.02 mililitres of blood swallowed
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I lick my fingers, and let me do the maths here. Let's say an average of 3.0ul (i know some meters do less, but work with me here... I'm going on the volume of blood left on the finger!!!), on an average of 8 times per day - thats 24.0ul a day for 14.5 years = 127020ul swallowed (bear with me while I work out how many liters this is...)

127.02 mililitres of blood swallowed

Is that an armfull Sam? (Have a look on Youtube forTony Hancock Blood Donor sketch)
I lick my fingers, and let me do the maths here. Let's say an average of 3.0ul (i know some meters do less, but work with me here... I'm going on the volume of blood left on the finger!!!), on an average of 8 times per day - thats 24.0ul a day for 14.5 years = 127020ul swallowed (bear with me while I work out how many liters this is...)

127.02 mililitres of blood swallowed

If that was fresh OJ, it would be just about enough to treat a hypo! 🙂
If that was fresh OJ, it would be just about enough to treat a hypo! 🙂

I actually thought it would be more than that...

Not a very good vampire am I?



This calls for a blog post!
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I too have notice a difference in the blood......glad I was not imagining it. I too lick my finger after testing, my 3 year old also likes to pretend to test and always licks her finger😛
Mine differs too... It's always waterier after excercise and when low it bleeds more freely 🙂 (another finger licker too!)
My nurse said as diabetics we have thicker blood, cause of the sugar, she used the word sticky (eeewww)
But its true. Its better thick though doesnt get everywhere then i hate when you lick the finger not enough and you have blood dotted about everywhere.
LOL, C licks her finger too.:D I'll have to ask her whether she notices a change in taste 😛

I've noticed too that her blood seems to be different. Sometimes she has to prick another finger, because nothing came out of the first one, sometimes she has a lovely little half globe(perfect) or it can be quite runny, though I put that down to her maybe not drying her hands properly beforehand.
Anyone have that thing where you fingerprick and the blood comes out of all the other holes you've made? 😱
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