• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

is it right ?

Type 1's and 2's have different goals. They do not recomend 1's go down into the 5's but many do. (Hypos)
There is no reason why A type 2 can not get down into none diabetic levels.
Telling Steff 7% is ok is a false security. Steff will soon find this out when she reads other boards that 7% is not that brilliant for a type 2
Like everyone if she has a goal set she can work on it over time and bring it down. Then she can grow old disgracefully like the rest of us :)

As I said, her longer term goal may be to get below 7, dependent on her circumstances and what her team advise. Sue, please don't take this the wrong way, but you have been diabetic since you were a small child and cannot know from an adult's perspective what it means to be diagnosed. A child's goals are set independently of the child's understanding of them, but an adult can be upset or overwhelmed if those goals seem huge and beyond reach. Small steps are needed to build confidence.
As I said, her longer term goal may be to get below 7, dependent on her circumstances and what her team advise. Sue, please don't take this the wrong way, but you have been diabetic since you were a small child and cannot know from an adult's perspective what it means to be diagnosed. A child's goals are set independently of the child's understanding of them, but an adult can be upset or overwhelmed if those goals seem huge and beyond reach. Small steps are needed to build confidence.

With due respect Northerner, A1c's were not invented in my day :D
All I was stating was that telling Steff and A1c of 7% is fine just gives her a false sense of security.
The fact her Dr told her that 7% is normal is not good.
This is what I was stating nothing else.
I'm not being mean/insensitive etc. I am just stating the fact 7% is not normal.

Sorry but would just like to clarify that if a type 1 has an A1c in the 5's it doesn't necessarily mean too many hypos. On a pump this can be achieved. One friend has a son who is 6 now and been on a pump for about 3years. His control is fabulous as his parents do lots of intervention and he has sensors which work how they are supposed to work and his HbA1c is around 5.2 % all the time. He still has his odd high and his odd low but these are not a reflection of the fab 5.2 %.

On the other hand my daughter is pumping and her A1c's are high 7.0's but on the decrease again lots of intervention.
sorry i didnt mean to cause such a ho -ha at the moment and no dis-respect to nobody i am just taking things all in and im greatful for any advice anybody gives good or bad. the 1 thing i have realised is that diabetes is a personal thing and therefore we are all diffirent , its only the medical term diabetes that we all have in common.All the advice given is greatfully appreciated,but until i speak to my own dietician/DN i will not know for sure exactly what applies to me and what does not.

thanks (hope i have caused no ill-feeling):(
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Steff - don't worry about ho-ha - it is great that we can have such debates on this forum. We can all learn and then apply what is right for each of us as individuals at the right time
yes , suppose thats what these places r for we all got our opinions
And please let me apologise for going off track a little. It's funny how diabetes is portrayed as such a seemingly straightforward thing by the media, and then you come here and realise just how diverse people's experiences are!
yeah im sure when i have got things sorted i wont be stressing quite as much as i am now , 1 thing after another they wanna prod my feet my legs check my bp take blood from me im like arghhhhhh :D
I dont think you were 'going off track' at all! Its great that people can all express themselves on this forum - after all thats what its here for isnt it? Debate and reassurance?:DBev

p.s Alex is busy drawing sugar voles and milly moles after reading your poem again!:)
I was diagnosed back in September and my local surgery have been brilliant, the have given me a lot of help. My diabetes nurse suggested the G.I diet. I have lost two stone in weight and am keeping my levels well in control. I would highly reccomend this diet.
hemase that is great
well done on losing the 2 stone so far :)