Is it possible to go into remission/reversal type 2 diabetes?

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Amity Island

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The short answer is yes; it's possible for Type 2 diabetes to go into remission. To be in remission, your blood sugar levels must remain normal for at least three months without using glucose-lowering medications.

"Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease, so we don't say it's 'reversed' or 'cured.' Instead, we say it's in remission," explains endocrinologist Sydney Blount, MD. "Once your diabetes is in remission, you should see your doctor regularly to check for recurrence.

How confusing - because from the quote it sounds like their opinion is that the short answer is no?!

Some members here are extremely cautious about the use of the term 'reverse', because of its implications and the differences between how 'reverse' and 'remission' can be interpreted.

I wonder why they put reverse in the headline, if they were talking about remission?

Having sad all that, other members are happy with either term. But I just wanted to point out that the headline might be upsetting or annoying for some members here.
How confusing - because from the quote it sounds like their opinion is that the short answer is no?!

Some members here are extremely cautious about the use of the term 'reverse', because of its implications and the differences between how 'reverse' and 'remission' can be interpreted.

I wonder why they put reverse in the headline, if they were talking about remission?

Having sad all that, other members are happy with either term. But I just wanted to point out that the headline might be upsetting or annoying for some members here.
That caught my eye too! contradictory.
Personally i don’t think there is remission or reversal.Just good control. I’m sure this may be an unpopular opinion. I just think it can be dangerous to make people think it will just go away… as much as I’d love that to be true. I don’t think anybody who has been diagnosed type 2 could ever eat what ever they liked and retain normal glycemic control without medication and even then probably not. I’m grumpy about diabetes today. I’ve spent along time telling myself I’m reversed just because my numbers are normal, I started to eat more because I was literally dying and hey presto they are back up there and I’m still what some would consider very low carb. I have two meals out this weekend and the thought of it is just exhausting. Rant over, gets back under duvet
Depends on what you mean by 'control'. It's been shown that the beta cells can return to normal in some people (With 'classic' T2, which is the majority, IR and dsyfunction) who lose weight, and the first and second phase insulin response to food goes back to normal (First phase is usually low or missing in people with 'classic' T2 and in the research at Newcastle it returned very quickly after rapid weight loss, and second phase is an increase in secretion based on the levels of sugar). So I guess keeping the weight off is how to control it in that case.

The other types, with low insulin production and no metabolic syndrome, or those with insulin resistance and no beta cell dysfunction, the story is different. Getting rid of insulin resistance will help (Prob by losing weight?) but in the other cases where weight loss isn't really possible, it's diet, lifestyle and drugs.

My numbers are normal(ish), but I don't know if it's reversed as I'm doing low carb. ( < 50g generally, but sometimes more.)

As I don't really have any desire to go back to how bad I felt in 2021, I don't push it!
Depends on what you mean by 'control'. It's been shown that the beta cells can return to normal in some people (With 'classic' T2, which is the majority, IR and dsyfunction) who lose weight, and the first and second phase insulin response to food goes back to normal (First phase is usually low or missing in people with 'classic' T2 and in the research at Newcastle it returned very quickly after rapid weight loss, and second phase is an increase in secretion based on the levels of sugar). So I guess keeping the weight off is how to control it in that case.

The other types, with low insulin production and no metabolic syndrome, or those with insulin resistance and no beta cell dysfunction, the story is different. Getting rid of insulin resistance will help (Prob by losing weight?) but in the other cases where weight loss isn't really possible, it's diet, lifestyle and drugs.

My numbers are normal(ish), but I don't know if it's reversed as I'm doing low carb. ( < 50g generally, but sometimes more.)

As I don't really have any desire to go back to how bad I felt in 2021, I don't push it!
Sounds like you probably know a little more of the mechanisms behind all this than me, I’m not sure what the inner workings of my body are but I’m definitely not a classic any type hence my beta cells I fear will never be normal again. Im genuinely really happy for anybody who achieves this.
Sorry my brain is whirling… so the non classic type with low insulin production and no metabolic syndrome would they not be LADA ? This is not me questioning you, I’m always searching for answers with me being such an inbetweeney
For any condition @EmmaL76 there will be outliers. Some will fit patterns or descriptions better than others, and some just won’t at all.

I describe myself as Type Breathe.
For any condition @EmmaL76 there will be outliers. Some will fit patterns or descriptions better than others, and some just won’t at all.

I describe myself as Type Breathe.
:( I wanna fit a pattern though !

Your numbers are amazing by the way. If I ate fresh air alone mine would still be higher than those.
:( I wanna fit a pattern though !

Your numbers are amazing by the way. If I ate fresh air alone mine would still be higher than those.
Swimming with the tide would be so boring though. Dare To be different.

Answers aren’t always there. We don’t always get a credible response to how or why?

My advice to you would be to get on with living your best life, and if that means you need som help with your number, then accept it. I was very fortunate that my Type Breathe diabetes improved dramatically, with pharmaceutical intervention, but ho knows what tomorrow brings.

Every time I see my Endo he reiterates he thinks I’m LADA, and is astonished I’m where I am. He even runs regular A1c, even though I see him for my thyroid, not my diabetes.

Hey ho. Swimming against the tide can be fun. Indulge yourself.
Sorry my brain is whirling… so the non classic type with low insulin production and no metabolic syndrome would they not be LADA ? This is not me questioning you, I’m always searching for answers with me being such an inbetweeney
Just from my own experience I am pretty certain that my problem was an over production of insulin at some point - as it was being ignored. Once I was diagnosed I went low carb and experienced false hypos as my BG did nose dives at various times. Once my poor hysterical pancreas was reassured that it would not get a sudden alarm call I think insulin production reduced and I responded to it a bit earlier anyway.
When diagnosed as type 2 I do get the impression that the file gets marked SAAI (sneer at and ignore) and the patient then has to cope as well as they can on their own.
Anyone eating a sensible sort of low carb diet and still getting high blood glucose - unless it is early on and their stores are being emptied out as they adjust back towards normal, then it flags up 'non classic type 2' to me and it really ought to do the same to any HCP worth their salt.
Sorry my brain is whirling… so the non classic type with low insulin production and no metabolic syndrome would they not be LADA ? This is not me questioning you, I’m always searching for answers with me being such an inbetweeney

I asked my DN at the last checkup why my hba1c came down quickly when I lost weight and changed diet, and she just said 'they're looking at different phenotypes' which didn't really answer the question.

Of course I googled for phenotypes and T2 and came across a large scale study done in Denmark that looked at T2 patients and came up up with a graph of insulin resistance vs insulin secretion. The major cluster had both resistance and a certain amount of lowered secretion of insulin... (The actual general definition of T2 diabetes is both) smaller numbers had one, but not the other. (I think someone else may have posted the paper here.) They discounted patients that had anti-bodies, I believe, which would exclude LADA as they tend to have anti-bodies. (But not always? Is this true?)

The reason for the study was to be able to try to improve treatment as what is suitable for one person may not be much use to another.

I know someone who was diagnosed with T2 in their 30s when they were slim and fit. No insulin resistance, no visceral fat, just a lack of insulin. They were tested for antibodies/T1 but all came back negative. No one really knows why it happened...
Swimming with the tide would be so boring though. Dare To be different.

Answers aren’t always there. We don’t always get a credible response to how or why?

My advice to you would be to get on with living your best life, and if that means you need som help with your number, then accept it. I was very fortunate that my Type Breathe diabetes improved dramatically, with pharmaceutical intervention, but ho knows what tomorrow brings.

Every time I see my Endo he reiterates he thinks I’m LADA, and is astonished I’m where I am. He even runs regular A1c, even though I see him for my thyroid, not my diabetes.

Hey ho. Swimming against the tide can be fun. Indulge yourself.

It's a complicated condition and not all that much is known about it.

Why does he think you're LADA? Looking at your history it would seem... unlikely!
Thanks for all your responses guys and I’m sorry if I’ve driven us a little off course. Im just dashing out but wanted to say I have antibodies. But produce pretty adequate insulin. Im slim and was very fit (now I’m a lazy sod) To start off with I was told on discovery of antibodies defo type 1, since then I have been told I’m more likely a type 2 although an unusual one. Now I hear of all these phenotypes of type 2 and im so confused. Apparently antigad doesn’t always rule out type 2. Please admin can we have a mouth wide open and crying emoji
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