LOL - another one that's boring - same breakfast (ONE Weetabix - or no breakfast at all, though if I still had to get up at 6.30 to 7am I'd have to) luch is normally a sandwich between 1pm to 1.30 with possibly a few extra bits (and I do mean bits - snacky things that come in plastic containers and I'll have one of two sorts, so typically another 6g carb) and then a meat potato and veg dinner, interspersed with eg chilli con carne, chicken Kiev, the odd half a pizza, the odd pasta, once a week oven chips with whatever, sometimes sub the meat in the dinner for fish (and omit the gravy LOL) usually between 6.30pm and 7 - and the VERY rare these days, meal out.
So - you only START basal testing 4 hours after your last intake of bolus or correction insulin to ensure all - or the bulk of - that, is finished. So if you do 4 or 6 hours after that, you've gone 8 or 10 hours without food anyway - which is quite long enough for most people tums for starters, and perfectly sufficient to get the number of readings you'll need, even if you only do 2-hourly tests. If you'll be eating in say another hour or half hour after that well fine! you just get more info! If it's an hour short - well never mind, eventually you get all the time covered.
Just do ONE time block in each 24 hours. You don't need this info yesterday - the end of the week is soon enough!
The only time I'd go longer is overnight - and even then I never do overnights in one fell swoop. I just set the alarm for a max twice a night with a decent gap between them, say 3 nights in the same week - cos if you don't sleep properly between them - they won't be accurate. You'll get FAR different numbers should you deliberately stay up, or have a sleepless night.
If you're awake, doing testing and just doing nowt between rising and bedtime - by all means test as often as you think to do it, with a minimum of 4 tests in each 6(ish) hours. One at the start, then 2 hourly. If afterwards, you see one of them has gone up a LOT from the previous time - then you need to do that time block again - and test more to see where it starts and finishes.
It's much more involved describing it - than it is actually doing it!