Is fasting a good idea ?

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I sometimes don’t have breakfast or lunch if I’m not hungry.

Friday I tend to have a late lunch and no tea.

I find that if I don’t eat for four hours, my blood sugar can be in the mid 4s.

I don’t do it to control BG, just don’t eat if I’m not hungry.
Does anyone here use fasting to lower their blood sugar and if so any tips ?

Anything that reduces calories has to be a good idea if you need to lose weight.
And obviously you're using glycogen stores in between, so that will decrease BG.
Are you on any medication for your diabetes? Would not consider fasting without medical advice if you are. Always was told keeping blood sugar levels stable and have been given goals by my nurse to work to, fasting has never been mentioned, always told low GI and small meals little and often.
I try to eat at 10 and 4 so there's a bit of fasting inbetween. Apparently your body heals at that time but if one is eating all the time it doesn't get a chance to heal and repair anything that needs it and so on. I would have read it in one of the nutrition books I usually have on the go.
People fast for all sorts of reasons, including faith and spirituality.

If you have diabetes, fasting can bring some additional challenges, and extra precautions may be wise.

This page may have some helpful pointers, whatever your motivation for exploring fasting.

Does anyone here use fasting to lower their blood sugar and if so any tips ?
Yes I do time restricted eating every day and in the past have fasted for up to 7 days with no solids.

I find it has been very beneficial in putting T2 into remission allied with an ultra low carb diet.
Stronger than any medication.
Are you on any medication for your diabetes? Would not consider fasting without medical advice if you are. Always was told keeping blood sugar levels stable and have been given goals by my nurse to work to, fasting has never been mentioned, always told low GI and small meals little and often.
Hello, no meds at all. Just advised to diet and exercise. I get terrible heartburn if I don't eat, especially at night and take Omeprazole in tablet form. I sleep with two to three pillows not flat as it makes it worse. Anyway, that's been my excuse for snacking.
If you get heartburn when you don't eat then I'm not sure if intermittent fasting would be helpful for you, I was advised when I was first discussing management options with my practice nurse that it would need to be 15 hours fasting each day to be an effective type 2 dietary management strategy. I opted for low carb (under 130g per day) and reducing calories but spreading those across meals and snacks. Mostly for snacks I have low carb options like nuts and cheese.
Yes I do time restricted eating every day and in the past have fasted for up to 7 days with no solids.

I find it has been very beneficial in putting T2 into remission allied with an ultra low carb diet.
Stronger than any medication.
Hello, what does it involve ? Do you follow a particular diet ?
If you get heartburn when you don't eat then I'm not sure if intermittent fasting would be helpful for you, I was advised when I was first discussing management options with my practice nurse that it would need to be 15 hours fasting each day to be an effective type 2 dietary management strategy. I opted for low carb (under 130g per day) and reducing calories but spreading those across meals and snacks. Mostly for snacks I have low carb options like nuts and cheese.
Thanks for the info about carbs. I had popcorn last night as a snack and two digestives with my morning coffee but will start peering at food labels much more carefully. I don't eat after 10 pm or during the night so that's a start.
@Specs I think ultra low carb is quite hard to maintain for most people but low carb is much more manageable. Low carb being no more than 130g per day but some people do go lower that that and settle on somewhere between 50 and 100g per day but they will have determined what suits them by testing with a home blood glucose monitor what suits them and keep blood glucose where it needs to be.
I followed the principals in this link opting for 70g carbs per day.
Hello, what does it involve ? Do you follow a particular diet ?
I usually eat once or twice per day at about 3 pm then again at 7pm.
Currently on holiday in Thailand so here only once per day.

When I eat it's usually meat/fish based with a few veg on occasion, sometimes a few berries with some double cream. Semi carnivore.

During the day I have coffees with double cream (the fat in the cream provides satiety).

4 months after diagnosis (Hba1c of 87/Oct 2015) I was in remission.
Within 6 months my Hba1c was sub 32 where it has remained ever since.

Lost weight effortlessly, and got rid of sleep apnea, morbid obesity, acid reflux, hypertension and regained the ability to walk without the need to stop for a pee every 200 metres.

Don't do much exercise except walking the dog...

Worked exceptionally well for me.
small meals little and often.
Not so sure that was great advice from your nurse..constantly prodding insulin production for a T2 who is already over producing might not be of much benefit...

In your shoes I'd check out a low carb diet.. worked for me with zero medication.
Not so sure that was great advice from your nurse..constantly prodding insulin production for a T2 who is already over producing might not be of much benefit...

In your shoes I'd check out a low carb diet.. worked for me with zero medication.
Low GI is low carb, are you not aware of the terminology? It’s the term used to describe foods that release carbohydrates into the gut slowly, it works as I lost 12 stone following this method and went into remission until other dietary triggered GI issues flared up that mean I can no longer eat most low GI foods without ending up in hospital with a bowel disorder that includes bleeds.
Little and often doesn’t mean you eat a big meal, it for me was a small snack and low GI so not heavy in carbs or sugars.
Low GI is low carb, are you not aware of the terminology?
I'm aware of the glycemic index and the dubious nature of its effects yes.
Carbs are carbs and will turn to glucose once ingested.. fast or slow doesn't make them "better" for you..

Well done on the weight loss though..
Hello, no meds at all. Just advised to diet and exercise. I get terrible heartburn if I don't eat, especially at night and take Omeprazole in tablet form. I sleep with two to three pillows not flat as it makes it worse. Anyway, that's been my excuse for snacking.
Just make sure it’s low GI snacks and not large meals as well. Are you being given any dietary support around your heartburn? I take omeprazole as well as have a hiatus hernia, have to avoid certain trigger foods to help with things as well.
I'm aware of the glycemic index and the dubious nature of its effects yes.
Carbs are carbs and will turn to glucose once ingested.. fast or slow doesn't make them "better" for you..
Slow digesting carbs have always been suggested by my care team, I didn’t say it gives you permission to eat large amounts of them so rather concerned by your replies.
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