Is anyone else having problems with their Libre?

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@helli it's the inconvenience. Having to contact them is not easy on the phone - I will try the on line form next time. I have tried plasters. Only one sensor fell off, the rest have all stopped scanning. You're right about the warm up period and the time to actually get a new one on etc and when you call them the first thing they ask after ID checks is whether you were unconscious and if you had any first aid administered by anyone other than yourself. So, they are aware of the issues. I've read elsewhere on this forum that the sensors were great until about six months ago. Maybe it's a faulty batch or a change in the manufacturing process.
Just want to say that I have not experienced any problems in recent months or indeed years.

I think if they are coming off then finding a better skin preparation technique, better placement and/or a product to support it is important. I certainly lost a few in the first few months of using them but since I purchased an arm strap 2 years ago I haven't lost any. It is so easy to catch them on a whole host of things including clothing and once an edge is lifted and the filament dislodged slightly they will often just slowly die, often giving progressively lower readings until they stop scanning, even if you stick them down again with tape or an over patch afterwards.

My gut feeling is that many failures with people who are new to CGM sensors is not a duff sensor, even though Abbott replace them, but just learning to find a good placement and technique and awareness to keep them safe. I had a couple that I scrubbed loose in the shower early on, simply because I forgot which arm it was on, even though I got into the shower thinking...."I must be careful not to catch my Libre" 🙄 Now I have an arm strap which both supports the sensor and particularly during the first 24 hours when it is most vulnerable, allows the adhesive to form a really strong bond with my skin, but also acts as a visual reminder of which arm it is on when I am washing and towel drying.
The libre straps are good.
Libre 2 is not approved for treatment decisions. Other, more recent cgms are (i think the authorisation is needed for pumps that talk to cgms)
But even with those that are authorised for treatment decision its a good idea to check against a finger prick test cos sometimes they go a bit off.
Also, fingerpricks are best when checking your hypo treatments are doing the business as bood levels recover quicker and it can prevent over treatment and therefore spikes
Libre 2 is not approved for treatment decisions.
What do you mean by this?
I was told that I could use my Libre for making insulin dosing decisions (with the usual caveats if too high or low, etc.) and I have seen nothing to suggest this is not the case. In fact. I believe it is used as the CGM for HCL in some cases.

Yesterday, I applied my third Libre in 3 weeks as I keep getting the ‘sensor error’ message after one or two days of having them - I’ve just had to take the third one off too due to a sensor error. I’ve used Libre for a year without any problems (other than a few have fallen off) so I don’t understand why three in a row have all broken.

Has this happened to anyone else?

I’m applying in the correct places so I don’t think it’s my application that’s causing it.
Looking at other replies I had one fail about the same time and the next one fell off. The guy on the phone went through the records on my reader and seemed to know exactly what the problem was and he sent a new one, and I had to send the failed on back. So I would guess it was a bad batch.
My latest sensor kept giving the signal loss error and I had to scan every time I wanted a reading and then my alarms stopped working. I tried restarting my phone etc and then re-installed the app. Now it works for a few hours or day or so and then I have to delete and reinstall the app to get continuous readings or alarms. There definitely seems to be some kind of issue at the moment. I'm not sure if it's the sensor or the app, but will see how the next sensor is when I have to change it tomorrow.
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