Is a pump the right option?

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Whether to Pump or not

Hi Sugarfairy

Like you when I initally asked about trying a pump - I declined as I couldn't get my head round being attached to something all the time. I was asked and declined about 4 times and then my consultant said to me give it a try and if after 6 months I didn't like it then I could come off it and return to MDI routine that I have had for many years - I've been diabetic since a child so over 40 years.
Well, i tried it and as I'm a brittle diabetic it did take me a good 3-4 months to get the levels right - but right they did come and now wouldn't be without it. Although I do get very tender from the canula's so use a spray and change canula's every 2 days - most people do 3.
Therefore, I think it's worth a try and if you have irregular BS and your allergy to long acting insulin - then I hope that your consultant would get the PCT to approve it. I was lucky and had a hospital with a pump specialist doctor who wants to promote use of the pump.
Look at other sites to gain more tips - mypump is ran by a guy on my Carb counting course - which you have to do before going on a pump.
It's a lot of counting and hard work - but really worth it - it's not a magic answer - I'm bad a guessing carbs when out so still have my lows - but good luck.
Hi tipsycat, welcome to the forum 🙂 I've only been diagnosed 3 years and have reasonably good control on MDI, so I'm still pretty much of the feeling you once had - do I really want something attached all the time? Most of the people I've heard who did finally go over to a pump say the same as you though! 🙂 Hope to see you around the forum, your experience will be much appreciated 🙂
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