iPhone SE not scanning my libre 2 sensor

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have placed a 2 new sensors in my arm and my iPhone isn’t working in picking anything up from the sensor I have tried everything spoke to customer service at libre and still getting now where. Can anyone point me in which direction I can get this resolved.
No what’s one of those and how does it work and who would get one off. Thanks.
Real long shot because your probably nowhere near as stupid as me, but I had this a few weeks back. Could not get my phone to scan at all. Turned out it was because I keep my bank cards in my phone case ( did say I was stupid) the case was not sitting correctly on my phone.
No what’s one of those and how does it work and who would get one off. Thanks.
It's the smaller blue thing on the front page. They used to sell them (they're also glucometers, taking the FreeStyle Optium test strips and also their ketone strips). I'm not sure why they don't still sell them; my guess is they're selling (mostly by prescription) sensors to so many people they just couldn't supply enough readers for everyone. (I just received a replacement reader and the box says it was manufactured last October so I think they're still being manufactured.)

You might find your DSNs have some (or can get them). Otherwise you'll need to ask Abbott and see if they'll send you one.

Real long shot because your probably nowhere near as stupid as me, but I had this a few weeks back. Could not get my phone to scan at all. Turned out it was because I keep my bank cards in my phone case ( did say I was stupid) the case was not sitting correctly on my phone.
no definitely not that but thanks anyway
It's the smaller blue thing on the front page. They used to sell them (they're also glucometers, taking the FreeStyle Optium test strips and also their ketone strips). I'm not sure why they don't still sell them; my guess is they're selling (mostly by prescription) sensors to so many people they just couldn't supply enough readers for everyone. (I just received a replacement reader and the box says it was manufactured last October so I think they're still being manufactured.)

You might find your DSNs have some (or can get them). Otherwise you'll need to ask Abbott and see if they'll send you one.

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Thanks that appreciate it
I have updated to ios16.3 and my iPhone SE won’t scan my sensor. Abbott are completely unhelpful. I’ve tried reinstalling the app, switching bluetooth on/off, restarting phone but nothing is working. Any suggestions?
Is NFC working? I believe the phone uses NFC to scan and just sends alarms via bluetooth.
I don’t know what NFC is or how to check if it’s working or not. Abbot say that apple don’t allow them in to NFC. So if anyone can offer me any tips that would be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately, whilst I know Libre scans with NFC, I don't know much about it myself as I am a bit of a tech dinosaur. I believe it is the NFC which scans those square bar codes that I can't remember the name of at the moment 🙄, so perhaps that is a way to test if it is working if you can find one to scan which doesn't commit you to anything.
I wonder if @helli might be able to advise a better way to check if NFC is working.
it is the NFC which scans those square bar codes that I can't remember the name of at the moment
Nope. Those are QR codes and are read with a camera (which must obviously be processed). NFC is the kind of thing that tap and pay bank cards use (which is why Apple initially restricted its use quite a lot, though they've relaxed a bit and allowed Abbott to use it (otherwise LibreLink couldn't work at all)).
Thanks for that clarification Bruce
I have updated to ios16.3 and my iPhone SE won’t scan my sensor. Abbott are completely unhelpful. I’ve tried reinstalling the app, switching bluetooth on/off, restarting phone but nothing is working. Any suggestions?
I also have the iPhone SE and have been having problems scanning my freestyle libre sensor. I have been in contact with Abbott and after the third call and three failed sensors this week, I have been eventually been informed that there is a compatibility problem with the iPhone SE and the sensor. Abbott have agreed to send out a card reader and replacement sensor and are working on a solution to the problem.
I also have the iPhone SE and have been having problems scanning my freestyle libre sensor. I have been in contact with Abbott and after the third call and three failed sensors this week, I have been eventually been informed that there is a compatibility problem with the iPhone SE and the sensor. Abbott have agreed to send out a card reader and replacement sensor and are working on a solution to the problem.

This annoys me because they must already know about the problem so it should not take 3 calls from a customer, causing frustration and wasting their time when they should have just agreed to issue a reader after the first call. People are relying on their product to keep them safe. It isn't a trivial matter and it is wasteful to keep replacing sensors when it isn't the sensor which is the problem but phone software.

I hope you find the reader works as well for you as it does for me. Small to carry, easier to scan and reliable.
This annoys me because they must already know about the problem so it should not take 3 calls from a customer, causing frustration and wasting their time when they should have just agreed to issue a reader after the first call. People are relying on their product to keep them safe. It isn't a trivial matter and it is wasteful to keep replacing sensors when it isn't the sensor which is the problem but phone software.

I hope you find the reader works as well for you as it does for me. Small to carry, easier to scan and reliable.
I have not phoned about this specific problem, but when I contacted them a few months ago about a differnt one, felt the customer service was not what it used to be.
I have had the same problem with my Iphone SE. At first I thought that it must be a batch of faulty sensors or an app problem. I deleted the app and reinstalled which didn't make any difference except I seem to have lost the last 3 months records. Does anyone know if it possible to find them or if they are lost forever?
Just received a new reader from Abbots today which is working well, just inconvenient.
The data will still be on LibreView.

There are techie ways to backup/restore the data if you cary out that procedure in the future, but to be honest, I can't think of a reason why you'd want to delete the data even if you did need to reinstall the app.
Thanks Barry, I deleted the app but thought that the data would remain on my phone. It may be but I would not know where to find it. I assumed that it would be picked up when I re-installed
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