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Food really is not the answer. I have this and for me it is not food that helps.
I have tried eating different foods drinking more water, walking exercising but my thoughts are I feel hungry and cannot stop a binge if I start it.
Nothing helps this but getting through it .
I have not had the luxury of the meds but some say you get bad side effects.
What I am saying is eating more usually does not help as you feel even hungrier. I try to talk to myself and have the chat that says yes you have had your dinner . Then I maybe have a snack then I ask Do i want to be as big eating more making me gain weight . However, I agree that sometimes even talking does not help. I then give in and eat. So I usually try again the next day.
It’s a struggle I am hearing you and lots do not understand but it is an addiction.
I think it’s eating that sets our fight off. I think others have a full button and maybe insulin whether one’s own or injected stops your body thinking it needs more sugar. So yes cutting sweets and carbs as they make sugar can help.
However i now feel the low carb has changed my system. Either that or my medication but my bloods are wrong . I do think there is more than just insulin not allowing foods into me. Tricking my brain to say i am hungry.
One day a medic will get this and discover we need more help than stigmatised blamed and coping with what others would find a hard life.
Maybe you can relate , maybe not . Just you are hungry and i feel your torture.
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