interesting video on blood sugar control

I used to have a couple of Ryvita and a cheese slice, and a ham slice for breakfast, which worked out at a couple of hundred calories.
Dinner tonight was a salad, and a slice of ham.
It all seems to work ok for me, the only exception is a cup of soup about ten, as I'm sick of coffee or cold drinks by then.
Another 100 calories though.
I have started often having fruity herbal tea in the evening, which according to my health app is approx 2 calories. It nicely fills that hot but not caffeinated (or high in carbs) spot for me.
I have started often having fruity herbal tea in the evening, which according to my health app is approx 2 calories. It nicely fills that hot but not caffeinated (or high in carbs) spot for me.
My sister gave me a herbal tea for bed time as i have trouble sleeping with the fibro lemon balm, peppermint cammomile plus others its nice but makes no difference lol
I love nettle tea but not tried making my own yet
I heard her say any edible vinegar except balsamic.
She says except "balsamic glaze" which is the sweetened version of balsamic vinegar.
She says except "balsamic glaze" which is the sweetened version of balsamic vinegar.

All balsamic is sweetened to some degree.
The glaze is usually just a reduced balsamic, but you are right, it's too sweet to drink!
But even my basic balsamic is around 30g of carbs per 100ml.
That's still a good teaspoonful of sugar per serving.
Well, I use a lot of balsamic and I don't seem to have any reaction to it and I suspect, similar to pickled beetroot, the acidity seems to somehow negate the carbs. I can just open a jar of pickled beetroot and eat it on it's own and it doesn't impact my levels. I also use the beetroot pickling juice to flavour (and colour) water. It looks just like Ribena even if it doesn't taste like it. Bit of an acquired but I have grown to like it and as with most bright coloured fruit and veg, I believe they contain antioxidants so that pickling juice may well be high in beneficial compounds.