Insulin storage temperatures ?

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Steve Liddle

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Recently came across an article from the good housekeeping guide or something about the best place to store raw meat, cooked meat, dairy and the like.

Re-arranged the fridge and put the vegetables where the insulin was stored at the bottom of the fridge.

Noticed frozen carrots and hence the insulin for the past few years was probably frozen as well before use. I have recently changed fridges (last year) and got the impression that insulin was not all that effective, but no idea why.

Dumped the spare insulin that I know has been frozen and will be checking the temperatures more often.

Something worth checking as the fridge temp guides simply come up with a tick that it is the "right" temperature for food.
I keep mine in the butter compartment at the top of the fridge door, least likely to be subject to freezing there 🙂
Mines is on the middle shelf haha, not close to the sides, not close to the back etc etc lol x
The top three shelves in my fridge are all the same temperature, 4 degrees. A box in the bottom, where I keep meat, is 2 degrees. The insulin lives on the second shelf. The fridge beeps if you don't shut the door properly, which sounds just like the beep that the oven makes, or the hob, or the dishwasher, or my Libre reader if I've accidentally switched it on in my pocket. Beeps rule my life:confused:
checked the butter area and that is 10C, put them on the top shelf for the moment, the shelves seem to be about 5C with the meat being a bit colder 🙂
We bought a fridge thermometer as we were concerned. Oops the temperatures were all over the place. I wonder how much of my insulins had been poorly performing, whilst I assumed my ratios were awry.
We needed a new fridge.
Now insulin is in the butter dish of door and the temperature is reading a consistent appropriate temperature.
Worth it for peace of mind
Mines in with my egg tray top shelf of fridge
changed temperature yesterday, have a thermometer (glass in a plastic tube) on each level of the fridge

top two are 5C, meat tray is 2, vegetable tray (old insulin store) is -2C and the butter tray is still 10C.

package shows insulin should be 2 to 8 C
I didn't even know people monitored their fridge temperatures. It's making me want to buy a thermometer and do mine! I stick mine usually on the top shelf but no idea what the temperature is!
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