Insulin question ..

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Thanks thunderbolt not easy for you to type that out i bet x
Wow. Well done for typing it all out Thunderbolt. It is a very cathartic process. And a warning to anyone else who might be getting a bit forgetful.

ThunderBolt Im so glad you didnt change your user name and felt you could share that with us . ive never skipped insulin but maybe havent been as on the ball as i should have been and also have some complications that if id be more careful i might not have ! Steffie i think we all get to a point where we realise we cant carry on the way we are going and i hope you uncle is realising this and taking more care of himself
Glad to get it off my chest to be honest. Although I still can't bring myself to tell the doc for fear of "getting done" as your average 8 year old might pug it. They're not daft though. They probably have an idea of what's been going on just not the extent!?!

As for the typing I'm having a half decent run with my eyes so making the most of it. It's still a bit on the hard side but my best mate ZOOM helps me out no end. Heheh!

Ta for reading it all though. After I left the post I thought "what a blinkin' rant that was" and wouldn't have blamed anyone for skipping to the next post. Hope it made sense anyway.

Cheers folks!
ThunderBolt, well done for writing. It really brings home how much we really do need to look after ourselves and the consequences when we dont.

Hope you dont mind me asking, but i didnt know pumps were around 20 years ago, why did you have to come off one?

Hi guys uncle got the print out on Monday and has read through it all rang me out of the blue last night not to have a go like i thought but to thank me and to pass his thanks on to everyone who replied, he realised how silly he had been and will never mess around with his regime again, I know it shocked him but at least now he has the proof that stopping taking or even not taken it when you should that insulin is his saviour x pleased for him...............🙂
As for the typing I'm having a half decent run with my eyes so making the most of it.

Me and my big trap... 🙄 Last few days made up for that mistimely flaming statement!!!

Good to hear your Uncle's taking it all the right way and ready to have a crack at sorting his levels and habits. As already said by the fella above, best of British and in no small part to yourself for your efforts!
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