Insulin PEN and holiday abroad etc

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
This ia my first holiday abroad since diagnosis and also the first time going away with a Levimir insulin pen.
  • Is there a problem taking filled pens thru customs / security
  • Do they require a letter from the doc ? As well as a prescription
  • Shouldas pen be classed as liquid and placed in a plastic bag.
  • Id thought of taking 2 pens in hand luggage - always advisable with all meds - but also 1 in the hold luggage. Is the hold too cold for this, or is there any point. Just put it the spare in someone elses hand luggage? with a copy of the letter .In case of an issues with my hand luggage
I think airport staff are used to dealing with diabetics so there shouldn’t be a problem, no harm in taking a doctors letter just in case though.
Work out how much you will need during your time away and take at least twice as much (in case of breakage, bags going astray etc)
It’s a good idea to pack some in someone else’s hand luggage if you can, NEVER put it in the hold though, it will freeze and then be unusable when it thaws.
It’s a good idea to pack some in someone else’s hand luggage if you can, NEVER put it in the hold though, it will freeze and then be unusable when it thaws.
Take care putting things in someone else's luggage. An over officious security guy may think the doctor's note only covers you to carry your diabetes kit. I always carry my own diabetes kit for this reason.
This may be different as an adult as I always want to maintain control of my diabetes
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The hold is too cold for insulin @Jenny105 It should always be in hand luggage. I always take my doctor letter which says about my insulin pump and and also that I’m carrying sharps.
There has been debates in the past about whether the hold is too cold or not.
My reason for keeping my diabetes kit with me is that I cannot guarantee my hold luggage will arrive at the same time on the same plane as me.
As someone else put it, if I had a healthy pancreas, I would not separate myself from my pancreas. My diabetes is my Type 1 pancreas so I will not separate myself from that.
I have just realised we have not directly answered our questions
  • Is there a problem taking filled pens thru customs / security
None whatsoever.
  • Do they require a letter from the doc ? As well as a prescription
A letter is recommended but in 20 years and hundreds of flights, I have had to show my letter once.
If you decide to get a letter, it is recommended to ask your diabetes consultant as GPs tend to charge for the letter.
The letter should be written in such a way that it can be used for multiple trips. Mine lives with my passport.
  • Shouldas pen be classed as liquid and placed in a plastic bag.
They do not need to be.
If you have reusable pens, you may want to put the unused cartridges in a clear plastic bag. I have had a couple of over officious security guys taking my vial (which I used for my pump) and insisting it goes in a clear bag.
  • Id thought of taking 2 pens in hand luggage - always advisable with all meds - but also 1 in the hold luggage. Is the hold too cold for this, or is there any point. Just put it the spare in someone elses hand luggage? with a copy of the letter .In case of an issues with my hand luggage
Take ALL diabetes kit in your hand luggage. There is no advantage in putting one pen in the hold and there are potential downsides as discussed above.
If you have a lot of medication, you can request an additional piece of hand luggage from your airline. As diabetes is my only medical condition, I have never needed to do this.

If you are nervous about airport security, you can get a sunflower lanyard which indicates a hidden disability. But you shouldn't have to tell security (or the airline) about your diabetes unless you want to or if directly asked.
Heathrow Airport has a special security area for those with a special need. Other airports may have this too. I used it once (I was curious) and found it more stressful because it was full of a couple of families with "boisterous" children.
Have a lovely trip @Jenny105 !

Hope your trips through security are simple and stress-free.

Will you be somewhere hot? Some people take a frio pouch for pens if a fridge for spare pens is going to be unavailable during your trip (or if you don’t trust it not to freeze things put in it - which would be a disaster!). Frio keeps contents cool by evaporation, so refrigeration isn’t required.
Hi thanks for all the replies. There are some helpful hints . Doc is phoning me next week about something else so I'll slip in the request for a letter. I didnt say
17u once a day in a non reusable pen. A pen lasts around 10 days. Im planning on taking 3 pens , just in case. Away for 9 days . Our apart/hotel has a fridge in the kitchen area.
Im severely deaf and wear a sunflower lanyard . We can use the fast track security gate as a result. So fingers crossed staff will be sympathetic. If i take my hearing aids out I hear virtually nothing.
Gran Canaria for hubby, son & family. For 6+ years I saved 1/2 of everything I got reductions on clothes, food, Hoover etc Ive paid for the hol , now just saving towards some of the food.

If allowed I might take a small handbag with one pen in. 2 pens in the onboard bag. Or 3 in one bag. Very thin freezer pack wrapped in newspaper and foil can accompany them if it seems necessary at the time
PS Yesterday I took my grandson and his cousin to a small zoo. When i told them i had to have a cold drink because of the heat and diabetes. They steered me to a cafe and found a seat in the shade. I think Im in good hands on hol with my grandson. !!😉 😎
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Take care putting things in someone else's luggage. An over officious security guy may think the doctor's note only covers you to carry your diabetes kit. I always carry my own diabetes kit for this reason.
This may be different as an adult as I always want to maintain control of my diabetes
I agree, I tend to pack the pen in the original box in hand luggage so has the chemist dispensing label on it as well even if I am carrying the prescription paperwork from my Gp, only ever fly to Ireland so far but some staff can be so over the top even when as pointed out above diabetics fly regularly so they would be aware, have had issues with my blister packs even though has a pharmacy label for each drug in the pack before so am bit over cautious now.
Very thin freezer pack wrapped in newspaper and foil can accompany them if it seems necessary at the time
Insulin can be kept at room temperature for 30 days.
There is no need for freezer packs. No matter how thin it is, you risk freezing the insulin.
I just put them in my hand luggage.
Re used fingerprick strips and used covered needles
Should these be put in a small tin box and returned home for safe disposal? I use 1 needle and 3-5 strips a day

PS I read that theres an issue with insulin and x ray machines? Any advice on that ?
I always speak up @ security. So I can speak up about deafness and diabetes. I never want them to call out from behind ''STOP''. but i keep walking cos i aint heard em! Myself & 2 other family members will have sunflower lanyards.
Re used fingerprick strips and used covered needles
Should these be put in a small tin box and returned home for safe disposal? I use 1 needle and 3-5 strips a day
Regarding fingerprick strips, I treat them like plasters. These go in a normal bin. I wolud not take home used plasters so why take test strips.
Regarding sharps (needles, lancets), I put these in a small water bottle which I decant into my sharps bin when I get home.
PS I read that theres an issue with insulin and x ray machines? Any advice on that ?
My insulin has been through hundreds of x-ray machine with no issues.
Insulin Pumps on the other hand could cause a problem.
As you are not pumping, you should have no issues with the x-rays.
Just on another note, I have just come back from Kefolonia which was hot, I knew there would be physical changes to my body, so I carefully monitor the units I take for a few days, just watch out for that one, I hope you have an amazing holiday.
There is no need for freezer packs. No matter how thin it is, you risk freezing the insulin.
I disagree re risk of freezing the insulin, and quite happily use thin freezer packs, but we're all different and YMMV 🙂
If allowed I might take a small handbag with one pen in. 2 pens in the onboard bag. Or 3 in one bag. Very thin freezer pack wrapped in newspaper and foil can accompany them if it seems necessary at the time
I would avoid having your pens anywhere near a freezer pack in case it damages the insulin. They will last the whole holiday out of the fridge so just put them in your hand luggage. I do split mine with OH just in case a bag gets forgotten, which it never has. If I am going away to somewhere hot I just put my vials in a squat thermos that I have. They are separated by bubble wrap just to stop the rattle, which I just reuse each holiday. For longer holidays, if I use a fridge, the thermos just goes in as it is, which protects the contents from any ‘wobbliness’ of an unknown fridge.

Have a fantastic holiday

ps I love the way you have saved for this with potting half the savings you have made. As a child when we went off in a van abroad, we had a ’petrol sock’. Each time we bought petrol, we put the same amount in the petrol sock. That way we knew that we had a nought to get back again. I thought this seemed totally normal and was surprised that other friends didn’t have a petrol sock in their car.
I’ve just come back from Tenerife, I paid a tenner for a letter from my doctor a couple of years back that I have never had to use, but I like to know I have it. I always put my needles and 2 x bolus and basal in a clear bag in my hand luggage. I have a libre a head full of metal bond extensions and metal coils in my veins and I breeze through security. Where as my teenage son has to go through multiple times as he didn’t listen to me and take his switch out of his rucksack and his phone out of his pocket !! 😡
Thanks for all replies. I put my strips and covered pen needles into the bin. I'll check on that with the Nurse . Im due for a blood test shortly, so i should get a call.
I dont expect the temperatures to be over 75 in Gran Canaria in late Oct. I guess one cant tell as things are now tho.
Snacky foods . Are there any recommendation for snacky or easy pack foods to take with me for between meals = type 2 + insulin. This is In case we are out and take a while finding somewhere to eat midday. The hotel has a supermarket but might not stock suitable items .
Snacky foods . Are there any recommendation for snacky or easy pack foods to take with me for between meals = type 2 + insulin. This is In case we are out and take a while finding somewhere to eat midday. The hotel has a supermarket but might not stock suitable items .
You shouldn’t need to snack between meals, but if you mean in case of hypos then I’d take your usual hypo treatments with you. I’m sure any supermarket will stock sugary drinks, orange juice, fruit or biscuits
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