• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

insulin change help?

wow some great posts on here learning so much. does the absortion rate go by how many gram of the carb are sugar.
update on how we are getting on with multiple injections.
not a good first night gave my son the 21:15 10 units of levimir he was 16.3mmol
so gave him an extra unit of novarapid as he also had cornflakes for supper 28g
checked him again at 1:55am 26.8 so gave him another 2 units of novarapid
next check was 2:41am 25.2
then again at 3:50am 27.2 going up again so 2 more units of novarapid

today has been a bit better though 4.8mmol this morning 9:07am
30gram of carbs and 3 units for breakfast
11:21am 10.2mmol
12:21pm 5.4mmol
13:08pm 2.0mmol whoops 2 glucose tablets
lunch 54gram carbs 3 and a half units novarapid
13:31pm 5.0mmol
15:28pm 7.2mmol
16:00pm 1 hour in the park 1 biscuit
17:11pm 6.8mmol
18:11pm 8.4mmol
dinner 13.6 gram of carbs 3 units
is that ok for a first day nbeen really worried:confused:
Looks like the day went well, with some good numbers, apart from the 2.0! As you say, the night looked difficult, hope tonight goes better.:)
Hi Delta

Fabulous first day. From going to mixes to being ok ish on Lantus/NR took a couple of months for my daughter, so don't dispair.

You have the same pattern already that loads of children (no idea about adults but probably the same) ie up at midmorning, down rapidly by lunch. Are you giving a mid morning snack? Even though they say you don't have you, after a week with maybe the same sort of pattern you will have to. I started at 15 grams of carb for a snack and went from there. Even if my daughter hit a mid morning peak of 20.0 odd, I still had to give a 15 cho snack as she plummeted by 12 noon.

You really have no need to worry. It really heartens me when I hear about people that want to 'get it'. So many parents just don't bother, believe me, it is frightening. You are doing fab.
