Injections or Pumps

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Thank you all, This thread has nearly made me cry and made me laugh to.
I dont know how to reply i have had so many thoughts about what you have all said.
I like injections , i think a pump would sacre me to much. i dont mind injecting myself, but other people doing it is horrid, and giving blood makes me faint haha. My partner doesnt get it it makes him laugh, 'how can you be scared of needles when you use them 4 times a day' its odd.
Becca thank you, you nealry made me cry on my dinner at work haha. pulled my heartstrings.
I think i am very happy with my current rountine, like a few of you have said it makes me look after myself with meal times and exercise.I like the freedom of injections later or smaller meals , or even cheeky puddings 🙂
Its nice to know that there are other choices out there to help.
Thank you all again.
also on the snacking thing, i would always eat at night if i woke up, id go down and make sandwichs and eat cake and stuff. not anymore.

Also the weight thing, they always tell you to be carefull not to put on wieght, even if like me your skinny, im not even 8 stone and they told me to watch my wieght, think its because when i was taken in i was 6 stone or a little under, i dont think they understands that was when i was very unheathly, ah well.
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