Injecting in public.

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I inject so discretely at home that my OH decided I was not injecting any more.

In public I will inject under a table generally. There was a big debate on this in the Balance magazine a few months back. I wonder if the letters are still on line.
yes, try using the search facility - I am sure they will still be there
I will inject in public and generally pretty discreet about it. Margie, my girlfriend said to me the other day that often she doesn't notice me inject anymore. I think it's a good thing really because it means she isn't thinking about it.
im descreet to but does anyone find it a nightmare on a going on a 12 hour flight next week and prob have to inject bout 4 or 5 injections and theres never much room or places to put it that you can get to any way
im descreet to but does anyone find it a nightmare on a going on a 12 hour flight next week and prob have to inject bout 4 or 5 injections and theres never much room or places to put it that you can get to any way

😱 sounds dangerous! someone will have an unexpected dose one day for sure!

My friend injects and I don't even notice anymore.
I've never been embaressed to inject in public, but on a few occasions I have seen people staring at me, sometimes with a look of disgust on their faces. It doesn't really bother me, at the end of the day I need insulin to keep me alive so I'm not going to let anything get to me about it, I can understand how it can bother some people though, I know some people are quite self concious about injecting
I have not eaten in public since starting on Byetta (well, I have but not in the evening - I only inject morning and night - can't believe that! We had 2 meals out arranged around Christmas and had to cancel due to illness - how very sad we are!

Anyway, I don't think I would be embarrassed for myself as long as I don't have to expose my ample thighs so a discrete jab under the table would be fine. However I have a friend who is very loud and is likely to find injecting a bit scary - she hates jabs, blood etc, and I wouldn't want her to be upset or to draw attention to what I am doing.

So I suppose the answer would depend on who I was width and if i was sitting where I could do it discretely. Hubby hates to see it as does my son so at home I generally do it when they are not looking!

As a matter of interest, when injecting insulin, how long do you have to leave the needle in? I have to count slowly to 10 - they say 5 but I like to be sure!
I am not on insulin, but if I was I wouldnt have a problem injecting discretly. I have checked my bg a few times in public and have had no problems. I have a friend who has been type 1 for 33 years and until recently she never injected in public - she would always go to the toilet to do it. She has only recently started to inject in public.
I am not on insulin, but if I was I wouldnt have a problem injecting discretly. I have checked my bg a few times in public and have had no problems. I have a friend who has been type 1 for 33 years and until recently she never injected in public - she would always go to the toilet to do it. She has only recently started to inject in public.

I am the same im not on insulin but id not really care, if someone else has issues with it then thats there small mindidness,but i aint ever tested my bg in public with my finger pricker well i dont carry it around with me so i could not even if i wanted to x
Ever since diagnosis, my O has injected in public. He does that and his bg tests very discreetly - in the winter he just pulls his top up and does it on his tummy under the table, in summer when he wears shorts more he will do it in his thigh.
We eat out at least once a week, and he enjoys eating out. I am glad that the development of diabetes hasn't jaded that at all. I have seen waiters etc give us looks at times, I dont know if he has noticed, but I just ignore it and carry on as normal, and he does the same.
He also does it in the diner at school at lunchtime. He says that people sometimes look, but there is an older boy who also does his injections in there too, so i think that makes him feel better. He says he just laughs at the silly girls who squeal at the sight of the needles!!!

From the beginning I have always encouraged him to do it at the table, wherever we are eating. As far as I'm concerned its part of our mealtimes, and I dont eat either until he has done it, which gets frustrating when he too busy chatting to concentrate on what he's doing, and I'm dying to eat my dinner!!😉
I would hate to think he was so ashamed he felt he needed to shuffle off and do his injection somewhere else, and I hope he always has the courage to do it out in the open. If nothing else, it gives us the opportunuty to explain to others why he does it, and be open about diabetes, and that can only be a good thing.
I think it's great that he doesn't have problems at school!
I went through a phase of not doing it at all at lunch time in school (when I was in school) because someone knocked me. And it got quite annoying when everyone was asking me what I was doing xD Then when I moved schools I got told I couldn't keep my insulin in my bag and had to hand it in to the nurse! The reason being 'incase somebody goes in your bag and gets hold of it, it could be a danger to other students'. My answer to that was
'it's not my problem if someone decides to go in my bag!!' hmph! 😛
As far as I'm concerned injecting in public is not a lot different from an asthmatic using an inhaler.

The difference being nobody takes any notice of someone using an inhaler. If more people injected in public it would become as accepted as someone using an inhaler and most people wouldn't give you a second glance.

The bottom line is they are both a necessity and if some people don't like it then that's their problem.
I dont mind if people want to look and stare cos they dont understand, as I am quite happy to explain why he has to do it, and so is O.
I know when he started secondary school and made all new friends, he had to explain several times to various people why he was doing it.

But mostly now, his friends he has lunch with all know whats going on and just get on with it. In fact he told me once, he was sitting with his best bud, and a couple of other kids and was testing his blood. It was 5.something (?) and someone asked him if that was ok, and his best friend ( who has seen it day in and day out) stepped in and said ''yeah, thats fine, that is''!! Like the little expert! Made me giggle!
But his school have been brilliant in as much as they keep their distance! He can inject where he wants, he can keep all his 'kit' including needles with him, but he knows that if he needs help, the nurse at the school is well educated about diabetes, due to the fact there are about 6 other kids with it, one of whom she does the injections for.
I really think all this will help O's attitude to his condition, and help him accept that its ok, and if others dont like it -TOUGH!
I hate it when you're injecting in a restaurant and the waiter is about to come over but then he spots you and hovers around like he's unsure what to do! Or when they don't notice but come up to the table to put food/drinks down and knock your chair. Ouch! I don't really care though, I need it to keep alive!

One time in Italy I tested my sugars while sat on a kerb waiting for my friend.They were something like 26 so I whipped out my pen and did it right there.You should have seen the stares I got! I can kind of understand though, must look a bit strange!
One time in Italy I tested my sugars while sat on a kerb waiting for my friend.They were something like 26 so I whipped out my pen and did it right there.You should have seen the stares I got! I can kind of understand though, must look a bit strange!

Haha...Like your style!!! I like to hear strange places people have done injections!!
I inject in public and as far as I know have never been given any weird glances, mind you I probably wouldn't notice as I am injecting myself.. I usually have my pen on the table (mainly so I don't forget..!) and waiters have come with food and seen me inject and never had a problem with them.. I inject after my meal now so again the waiters have seen as they have taken the plates away... I know sometimes I feel when I am injecting that I am doing something I shouldn't as if it's bad, does that make sense, and wonder if people who saw me thought I was a junkie but then junkies don't have insulin pens marked insulin..
Yeah it does make sense. I do wonder if people think I'm a junkie but if I heard something saying something even if not to my face I would end up saying something and get angry lol
Yes i agree, i dont think anybody should be ashamed or try to hide it, i saw this group and posted on there. My son is a skinny little thing and only has fat on his thighs and bum so he has to inject in those places so if we are out he will pull one side of his trousers down enough to inject, ive always told him not to be ashamed not to try and hide it, i think if you start to do that then you send a message that its shamefull and of course it so isnt. Obviously hes not in anyones face and I would never usher him to the toilet and wont with my daughter either i shall teach her the same confident attitude if i can, if nothing else it might educate a few ignoramusses.

The school have been great, he starts secondary in Sept and hopefully they will be as good, plus J will have his big bro there to support him if needs be.
I agree with Jimmysmum. Why should we be ashamed of injecting?!
I for one have never been ashamed of it, i dont see why i should have to be.
The way i see it is, if someone sees you trying to hide doing your injection, the more noticable it becomes and makes people think your doing something you shouldnt be!
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