Injecting in public

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Alex always tries to inject discreetly - mostly because he feels embarrased as he is 11!

BUT - we have just come back from the weekend with 35 type 1 children and he said it was the most relaxed he has felt - being able to inject and finger prick etc in front of lots of people and no-one batting an eye! He also loved seeing the various types of pumps etc and the sensors etc..🙂Bev

Glad he enjoyed the weekend 🙂 as he gets abit older he will be less selfconcious about injecting / glucose testing in public like the rest of us.
I'm getting the feeling from the few I spoke to that it may depend on your age when you were diagnosed, I was diagonsed in my thirties and have no shame! So the only thing I am wary of is crowds or small children. I once lifted and injected in the middle of the market in Marakesh (Morocco) They thought I was a druggie and then offered us lots of hash!
My son just does everything in public...The injections are usually easy to manage -- he lifts his shirt, turns away a little. It's all table-level anyway. Interestingly finger pricking usually more difficult, as there's so much paraphenalia with fiddly strips and lancets that he needs a table for it usually, and we've had some open stares, though no questions or offensive remarks, over this.

Actually, I'm going to start another thread on this subject... Thanks!
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