• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


I am not sure why she has put so many pictures at the bottom of the article, but she refers to some of the ones nearer the top of the page like the lady with the Evans bag and the people with blacked-out eyes. I guess maybe she put so many pictures in to show how many images are available freely online. Most of the time, you only see 1 picute accompanying an article on the 'obesity epidemic' or whatever, maybe she wanted to have a greater impact by showing more images at once.

She also says in her final paragraph: " I see myself in these images, I look like a lot of the people in these photographs, and I'd like to suggest other ways of viewing them: challenge your disgust, see how people are dressed, what they are doing, think about how the picture was taken, what message it was used to convey, how that message relates to the person in the image, who got paid for the picture, and try to imagine who that Headless Fatty might be, try to get a hold of their humanity." Although having so many does sort of deluge you and makes it harder to see the people as individuals.
The TV coverage shows slothful waddling feckless people eating fast food / lard in slow motion with a soft focus on a fat belly. The coverage is sensationalist journalism at its worst.

.....and people lap this up. Such utter and complete garbage.

I always think... imagine if you were one of those poor overweight people walking down the street and you saw yourself on a BBC news report, HORRIFYING! Poor dears.
well a week now since i sent complaint to the bbc. No reply, even though i ticked box requesting one


As you are all probably aware by now I am a member of an extremely large children with diabetes on line group. Whenever any one of us around the country sees a newspaper report that doesn't differentiate between 1 and 2, then at least 20 of us email them. We have apologises all over the place. Infact lots of people on this message board helped us by signing the petition to get the Change4 life advert altered.

I get annoyed about the 'fat' label and diabetes but I can understand it to a certain extent. I am aware however that to get type 2 you have to have the predisposition anyway to get it, so not all fat people get type 2 and even some thin people do. Wonder what label they can have? How about 'too thin, they you will get type 2 diabetes'. Bet we never hear that one.

I am extremely overweight, purely my own fault and it is totally psychological. I asked the GP for info on a gastric band. I said I was sure about it but just wanted to find out. He said that 'down here' I would be very low on the list as they give gastric bands to the people with heart conditions and diabetes first..........

Obviously my immediate answer was, well when I get type 2 diabetes or have a heart condition, I'll come back!!

I try very hard to lose weight. I have a wii fit now and I love it. My cousin has lost about 2 stone on his wii fit. I need to be more motivated though, time is an issue, I'm on the go all the time so you would think I would lose weight. My family don't understand (parents and sister) as they have never had a problem. In my view it is a psychological problem and the medical profession don't see that. They see anorexia as a psychological problem but why not at the other end of the spectrum. I don't choose to be overweight, I would choose to be thin, I just have a problem getting there.

Thank you for allowing me to rant a bit, it helps, even if no-one got this far. I will now go and iron and dance whilst I'm doing it to lose some weight :eek:

Not really, I'll burn myself no doubt. ;)

Adrienne :)

As you are all probably aware by now I am a member of an extremely large children with diabetes on line group. Whenever any one of us around the country sees a newspaper report that doesn't differentiate between 1 and 2, then at least 20 of us email them. We have apologises all over the place. Infact lots of people on this message board helped us by signing the petition to get the Change4 life advert altered.

I get annoyed about the 'fat' label and diabetes but I can understand it to a certain extent. I am aware however that to get type 2 you have to have the predisposition anyway to get it, so not all fat people get type 2 and even some thin people do. Wonder what label they can have? How about 'too thin, they you will get type 2 diabetes'. Bet we never hear that one.

I am extremely overweight, purely my own fault and it is totally psychological. I asked the GP for info on a gastric band. I said I was sure about it but just wanted to find out. He said that 'down here' I would be very low on the list as they give gastric bands to the people with heart conditions and diabetes first..........

Obviously my immediate answer was, well when I get type 2 diabetes or have a heart condition, I'll come back!!

I try very hard to lose weight. I have a wii fit now and I love it. My cousin has lost about 2 stone on his wii fit. I need to be more motivated though, time is an issue, I'm on the go all the time so you would think I would lose weight. My family don't understand (parents and sister) as they have never had a problem. In my view it is a psychological problem and the medical profession don't see that. They see anorexia as a psychological problem but why not at the other end of the spectrum. I don't choose to be overweight, I would choose to be thin, I just have a problem getting there.

Thank you for allowing me to rant a bit, it helps, even if no-one got this far. I will now go and iron and dance whilst I'm doing it to lose some weight :eek:

Not really, I'll burn myself no doubt. ;)

Adrienne :)

good luck with the wii fit, sounds very energetic.

dont know if you have tried it, but i lost 1 and half stone on slimming world a few years back. I absolutely loved this regime, not like dieting at all. I cant diet, i love food! You can eat as much as you like, never hungry and even have treats. Not for everyone, but i found it very helpful and the support there was great too, no judging, just listening, tips and help when needed. good luck. x