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In the Garden

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.
The yellow peril taking over the world! :D

I need to get in the garden, but I don't have the oomph...last years apples are still hanging about, oh the shame.
I have some marigolds that have flowered through out the winter. I noticed a for-get-me-not, in the picture there.
Some plants don't know whether they are coming or going, stupid global warming. Got tons of Forgets, they come up willynilly every year, I luvs them. :D The marigold is from seed I helped myself to from the neighbours, they grow all over the outside of their bungalows. I luv them too.
Some plants don't know whether they are coming or going, stupid global warming. Got tons of Forgets, they come up willynilly every year, I luvs them. :D The marigold is from seed I helped myself to from the neighbours, they grow all over the outside of their bungalows. I luv them too.
I try to pull the forget-me-nots up before they seed. The marigolds I buy a pack of Wilko's own Marigold Called Art Shades mixed ,about £1. I just sprinkle them on the ground and them come up, they are different shades.
You pull them up!? I encourage them. :D I like them threading through everything. They are horrible though when they've gone over, I get them up as quickly as possible then but hope they'll self-seed for the following spring and they usually do. I miss Wilco! :( Is it still open?
You pull them up!? I encourage them. :D I like them threading through everything. They are horrible though when they've gone over, I get them up as quickly as possible then but hope they'll self-seed for the following spring and they usually do. I miss Wilco! :( Is it still open?
I usal pull them up to plant other plants that flower for longer.
I have some bluebells which look lovely, and was just nice to be out there and here the birds, something I have never paid much attention to before.
I have Robin that sings is heart out but used to perch in a tree that overhung my and my neighbours garden, from a house that backs on to ours. The tree has been cut down to about 6 foot, no foliage, cant see where he is perching now.
I luvs Robins. They come right up to you and wait for worms while you are digging! Cheeky things.

My fave Primrose.
Some Daffs and the Skimmia near the backgate looking good this year.
Two Snakeshead Lillies...I only have success with these in pots. They don't seem to 'come back' in the ground.

Everything is all over weeds. I shall try for an hour this afternoon, give the Bookworm a rest.
I thought my more unusual coloured Muscari had not come up this year but saw a few of them when tending to my garden today. They were just slow to make an appearance.
Those are so beautiful.

Grovesy post a pic of your Muscari, how are they unusual? My normal ones come back every year, I luvs them.

My paler than the usual dark pink Ribes. Prettier I think.
I can't get pictures to post on here since upgrade.

I think the forum architect is going to have another look at this @grovesy

noticed yesterday that our Heuchera looks like these a bit of it that might split away, which is great news, as I was hoping to get another to add into a space where we lost something in the Autumn.

Not the foliage colour I would have gone for, but I will take it!
I think the forum architect is going to have another look at this @grovesy

noticed yesterday that our Heuchera looks like these a bit of it that might split away, which is great news, as I was hoping to get another to add into a space where we lost something in the Autumn.

Not the foliage colour I would have gone for, but I will take it!
I never used to be a fan of Heuchera but a nieghbour up the road have some that always look colourful. So when our Wyevale Garden Centre was taken over in the summer by Longacre, they had some that were good and reasonable I bought a few. They have not disappointed over the winter some are sprouting flower shoots.
I've had a sudden explosion of these pretty little yellow beauties - anyone know what they are called? I think I had some in my garden when I lived in Southampton too...

Yes, they are a plant with well established medicinal effects and are to be encouraged. Not sure what they are called in Yorkshire but the French call them pissenlit.
I keep meaning to eat a few of those leaves, new ones of course... 🙂

I must go and smell my Ribes...mine's a less common pale pink one, maybe it won't smell so bad, I'll keep yous posted.

Grovesy I couldn't post pictures before now I can! I have to put them on Facebook or Google first though, to make them smaller, they're huge straight from my mobile. Too big for a forum.

Mum's Camellia is fabulous this year, is it all Camellia's or just hers? Anybody got a Camellia? Can you see it at the back there, next to the ginormous Eucalyptus? I must get a close up...I'm so techie, I have to walk up to it lol. My idea of zoom. I'm a Luddite.
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.