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In the Garden

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.
..... and a prize cotineaster horizontalis.

Unfortunately the undigested berries stain like hell when they come out of the other end of said dickie birds ....
..... and a prize cotineaster horizontalis.

Unfortunately the undigested berries stain like hell when they come out of the other end of said dickie birds ....
...and with each seed wrapped in its own neat package of guano, they sprout all over the garden.
Bedworth birds are clearly not as well trained as yours, since they mainly evacuate their bowels on anything you'd rather they didn't, especially on white motorhomes and black cloth roofs of sports cars, with an especial affinity for the sheet of corrugated perspex arranged above the back door and any clean washing.
We have a cotoneaster ( or a cotton Easter as we called it when we were young and inexperienced gardeners, 34 years ago!) but all our berries are gone, which is a shame as they put on a lovely display.
We have a cotoneaster ( or a cotton Easter as we called it when we were young and inexperienced gardeners, 34 years ago!) but all our berries are gone, which is a shame as they put on a lovely display.
This one is down the front drive, so with traffic( car, pedestrian or next door's cat) the birds always leave it til they’re desperate.
I seem to be back to not being able to download photos again.
Probably me rather than the forum.

I wanted to post a photo of my winter window box, and also Cosmos which is still in flower!!!
Use your imagination!!
I seem to be back to not being able to download photos again.
Probably me rather than the forum.

I wanted to post a photo of my winter window box, and also Cosmos which is still in flower!!!
Use your imagination!!
Is it your new phone?
I seem to be back to not being able to download photos again.
Probably me rather than the forum.

I wanted to post a photo of my winter window box, and also Cosmos which is still in flower!!!
Use your imagination!!
I still have a slight problem, my photos always appear upside down, even if I try rotating them. But if I email them to myself, and save them back to the ipad photo section, they then appear right way up. I’m sure the more techy members would have a 'proper' fix, but my solution works, so why worry!
Hee hee! We had a massive very long established bush in the front garden when we bought this house. Got the keys Friday, Saturday morning my friend Pat and I decided to start clearing up the front garden. The house is on a main road with a bus stop immediately outside the low front wall. It had been empty a while, so lots of beer cans, polystyrene MaccyD boxes, crisp bags and literally God knows what. Heavy thick gardening gloves and black sacks at the ready we started. I dived under the beautiful cotoneaster full of berry to start - and nearly passed out immediately with the ammonia fumes!!! Had to get Chapman (Demolition Contracting to the Gentry) to come out of the house, swap the sledgehammer for a wood saw and cure that little problem asap. God alone knows - with a ruddy great lamp post at a similar distance away as the bus stop - HOW and where the hell from, the used condoms were there!
Is it your new phone?
Thanks @grovesy . I think that is the root of the problem.

I did the photos on my iPad, BUT since then I had got my new phone and I hadn’t realised that they all linked up. I deleted all my photos off my phone after transferring them to my lap top, to save memory space in my icloud. I think that I have inadvertently deleted all the photos off my iPad too!!!
All my stuff is still in flower but gone very straggly.

Christine Walkden says you shouldn't work wet soil... any excuse not to go out in the cold! 🙂

Oh wow, they are pretty! @Ditto. They look like they are really thriving. It must be a sheltered sunny spot.
The winter window box is looking good. The first time I have done this and it is right by our new patio area, so lovely for a cuppa in the winter sun. Still amazed at the flowers that have hung on. They will no doubt suffer when we eventually get the cold weather and frosts, but I shall enjoy them while they last.

Planting my ‘Bulb Lasagne’ today. Saw it on gardeners world. I am a bit late but I had a big bag of bulbs for my birthday so want to get them in. I shall just layer them with their flowering times in mind. Apparently it doesn’t matter if you go deeper than usual they just make their way up when they are ready. Also doing one for a friend who is moving house on Thursday.
I can't keep cyclamen either, never have been able to. The dear old hardy fuchsia thicket is still in bloom of course, often February before it dumps last years flowers anyway. In 2020 it didn't finally shed until March - and that's when it gets pruned - so it was nearer July by the time it had leafed up. Very late this year, and it's never early anyway!
I can't keep cyclamen either, never have been able to. The dear old hardy fuchsia thicket is still in bloom of course, often February before it dumps last years flowers anyway. In 2020 it didn't finally shed until March - and that's when it gets pruned - so it was nearer July by the time it had leafed up. Very late this year, and it's never early anyway!
My success I have put down to the take over of the local Garden Centre last summer, the quality of the plants I have bought since the take over.
I've done a lasagne too! Can't wait to see the result. 🙂 Also no good with Cyclamen, I have put some in and will check on them later when I pick up the discarded booze bottles. The joy of suburban living. Heh!

I have finally swept up all the fallen leaves but not got round to putting battery lights on the Yew...
I have grown layered bulbs in pots for years, before the lasagne crazy became a thing.
Well yeah @grovesey - this is the very first time I've heard it referred to as such! Yet you'd have thought in the past it might have been referred to as the Lancashire Hotpot effect or the Flemish Bond way of planting !!
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.