In praise of Triathlon

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Will most certainly do that Chris and good luck x
As promised been thinking of you today Chris & have been willing you on to the finish - looking forward to your update bulletin.
Yesterday I completed the 2017 Outlaw, my first 140.6 triathlon, inside my target time of between fourteen and fifteen hours. nearer to fifteen than I would have preferred but I am pretty happy. I will shortly be describing the experience in a separate post. In the meantime here is a link to my results page:
Update. Yesterday I went along with wife Liz and her sister Jill to do some open water swimming at Allerthorpe near York. It was nice to enjoy a relaxing swim with the sunshine sparkling on the lake without being under any pressure to train. Today Liz and myself went back to Allerthorpe to support Jill doing the super sprint triathlon. This is an entry level event and Jill's first tri to involve an open water swim. She completed the 400M swim, 10K bike ride and 2.5K run in about 52 minutes. We then went off to York and bought a cathedral sized airbeam tent which we are going to need for the Endure 24 next year. Liz and I are entered as a two person team called 'Little Short Legs and Chrome Dome'. I'm considering doing a Half Iron distance triathlon next year, possibly the Lakesman near Keswick or maybe the Castle Series event at Blenheim Palace. The latter also has a classic distance event that Liz could do, so that is probably the one that we will go with.

In the meantime, our up and coming events are the APB half marathon at the beginning of September followed by the Hull Marathon for me and the Yorkshire Marathon for Liz a few weeks later.
I have now entered the Lakesman 140.6 triathlon for next year. I had contemplated stepping down to the 70.3 but realised that I would find this rather unfulfilling after having done the Outlaw. I have had to commit prior to having my review in September because these events fill up really quickly and if you hang about too long you don't get a place. It will be interesting to see how such intense training has affected my glucose levels. The problem is that, in the six weeks prior to my blood test I have eased off a little in order to recover.

Meanwhile Liz has entered us both in the Gilberdyke 10 mile run which is in two weeks time so I am trying to get some running done in preparation. So far this year, every time that I have taken part in an event that I have done before I have managed to score a new PB. I'm not sure that I can keep this up for these coming events but we will have to wait and see.
Regarding my record of achieving a PB on every single event this year, I have fallen at the final hurdle. I scored a new PB both for the course and the distance at the Gilberdyke 10. Then came the ABP Half Marathon at Cleethorpes, new event so I haven't done the course before, new PB for the distance. Hull marathon next, the course was different to last year but still a new PB for the distance. My last event of the season, the Goole Sprint Triathlon, beat last years time but failed to better the time that I set in 2015. Time now for rest and recovery, while planning new acts of masochism for 2018.
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Very impressive @Chris Hobson. Keep running, cycling and swimming - in any combination! 🙂
The tail end of 2017 hasn't worked out too well for me as far as staying fit goes. I've not done any swimming due to the pool being closed at the gym. They opened it just in time for me to succumb to a chesty cough and cold. I've managed a little indoor cycling and a little bit of running but found that running before being completely over the cough has had me having attacks of feeling faint. I felt totally fine but apparently wasn't totally better. I've been to the doctor and had an ECG which has proved normal and I seem to be over the problem now. I've also developed a pain in my left elbow which I suspect that I might be stuck with for good now. I'm starting to feel my age a bit, I suppose it was inevitable that I would eventually, I'm sixty this year after all.

With my 'A' race penciled in for June 17th I now have to get moving again. Liz and I did the Cleethorpes New Year's Day 10k, I felt quite rough over the first 5k and started to think that I needed to pull up. What I actually did was pull over to the side and have a coughing fit followed by a fairly revolting clear out of the chest. After that I felt fine and legged it to the finish, obviously posting a negative split. I did the same course two years ago in 2016 and was encouraged to see that I beat my previous time by about thirty seconds despite the problems. So, this weekend I've done a park run, a 1500m swim and a 12 mile bike ride. It was a lovely sunny afternoon for the bike ride but I had to watch out for icy patches. Now I can look forward to my alarm being almost permanently set to a time that starts with a four. Why am I doing this again? Well most of the time I feel great, Slowing the progress of my diabetes is important, and triathlons are great fun, even the really long ones.
I feel the need to update this thread as I had to withdraw from the Lakesman due to some health problems. I detailed these in a general post entitled 'Slightly troubling news'. The actual problem, sometimes feeling faint while exercising, is yet to be properly diagnosed as I am currently waiting to have a CT scan. The cardiologist said it was probably a virus and that, if that turned out to be the case, there was no treatment and I would just have to wait for it to clear up on its own. It does seem to be gradually improving so hopefully he was correct. I am still able to do sprint triathlons but my times are a bit slower.
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