In need of diabetic participants for a quick online study!

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Kieran Martin

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone!

I am looking for diabetic participants to take part in my study for my master’s dissertation. It is on social networking and diabetes self-management. Anyone who is over the age of 18, has type 1 or type 2 diabetes and who uses Facebook can take part in this study. It’s an online survey which asks questions about you, your social networking use and how you self-manage your diabetes. It’s a simple survey which will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete, and you can also win a £10 amazon gift card.

If you’re interested in gaining valuable insight that may encourage beneficial changes to your own diabetes self-management, please click the link below I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful day.


If you have any questions, please email me at
Hi all, this has been approved. Please help Kieran if you can, many thanks 🙂

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What silly questions - it assumes all diabetics for some reason are told they must eat every 4 to 5 hours. Regularly, yes - but to any sort of timetable - no. That's the whole flipping point of DAFNE ! Hence I couldn't be confident I could do it.

It also asked if I'm confident in contacting me doctor if my condition gets worse - which I don't actually understand since Beta cells in islets of Langerhans don't usually get any deader than the state of deadness they were in after the died, as far as I know! I also know that no doctor on earth can revive them! - but if that were possible, that potentially ought to be an improvement in my condition LOL

It seems to also make the assumption that anyone with diabetes and is on Facebook, also engages in 'Diabetes' groups. No opportunity to answer 'not applicable'.
I wouldn’t touch Facebook with a barge pole - especially not after the bosses recent comments about why he allows holocaust denial on British Facebook but not Germany’s - it’s against the law there. It’s against the law for a reason, d***head.
I completed it, some of the questions didn’t quite fit so I picked the nearest response that felt appropriate.
Completed - wish there some questions about the level of support, as I have found the forum I joined really unhealthy and quite bullying.
Would be more than happy to help but like some others have already posted - I don't waste my time with Facebook.
There may be an incorrect assumption behind the question - did you test as many time as your healthcare professional advised you to - for many type 2s - the advised number of tests is ZERO.
Done. And I will share on Facebook later.
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