In despair.

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Steff, just tried to pm you/email, but you're not accepting messages. :(
Hope it's temporary.......

Thinking of you.

Ty emma and Helen, Helen we have now chatted so you know the situation with my pm;'s hun x

I'm signing off till Monday now so see you all then x
Ty emma and Helen, Helen we have now chatted so you know the situation with my pm;'s hun x

I'm signing off till Monday now so see you all then x

keep your chin up hun *massive hugs* we're all here for you ok

ly xxxx
Ty emma and Helen, Helen we have now chatted so you know the situation with my pm;'s hun x

I'm signing off till Monday now so see you all then x

hope you have a good weekend cuz xxx 🙂 well done
Hi Steff, am so sorry that ur depression has appeared again.
It's so difficult to explain how it feels and we all feel it a little differently, all I know is that it is so incidious and can crop up without any warning and bump down you go :-( but I also know that it will go again given time and patience. The important thing is that u have recognised the signs and have let people know how u feel, (which is the hard part). U do need to see ur GP tho if only to let him know whats going on.
Take heart there are lots of people here to support and love u, shirl x
Hi Steff - sorry to hear you are feeling so down. You post made me think of what someone (I think Am) said to me last time I was feeling down, that depression is a bit like the sea and sometimes a big wave comes and knocks you for sick but it will pass and you will feel better again.

I know you say counselling is not for you, but maybe you have not seen the right person. I have seen a few counsellors in the past who I did not get on with at all, and then saw one who was fantastic. I truly believe I would not be pregnant or married if she had not helped me so much. It needs to be the right time for you for counselling though, maybe this is not the time for you, but try not to rule it out for the future.

Really hope you are feeling a bit better today

Big Hugs

It's a right b****y roller coaster isn't it Steff? One day you feel OK, the next... down you go again. I've set my phone to nag me when it's time to take the pills, I find that gentle nudge is usually enough to make me take them, even though I really resent the need for them. Rachel's idea of counselling might be worth considering, it's certainly working for me. I feel better knowing there's someone I can go and unload on now and again, it means I can let off steam without taking it out on my nearest and dearest. After a session with the counsellor I find I can think more clearly about whatever issue is dragging me down and discuss it rationally with my family or friends if I need to.

[hugs]Nuthin but love girl.[/hugs]
Dear Steff,

I know you're maybe not gonna read this till Monday and i'm blowed if i know what to say that will help. My brother has suffered pretty badly with depression and i dunno what to say to him either. I'm glad you posted, coz we all want to help you out in whatever way we can, and i'm sure that having people to talk to, or post to is a good thing for you.
I'm gonna echo what Northy said, it's not that there's anything wrong with you, it's just those brain chemicals getting all unbalanced and are making you feel crappy. I also agree with Gail, you should probably try taking your meds again, i know that they take ages to start working but it's at least something you can work towards. You're not a failure or a loser, yoiu're a brave and hard working and strong woman who loves her family and still finds the time and energy to try and keep us lot going!
Hope you're feeling better soon

hey steff you might not be able to cope with it all now but in a few days it will feel better hang on in there hun and OH and laddy xxx 🙂
Thanks ever so much girls ive been persuaded by not only you lovely lot but o/h to ring up my doctors on Tuesday and get this sorted out, im still not fully convinced ont he counselling thing but if the doctor can show me all the paths i can go down then ill pick the best out of them.
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