Impaired fasting blood glucose test

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I didn't know, but Cod Liver Oil Caps which I've taken for about 2 years can increase cholesterol so no more of them!

Erm thats why the breakdown of cholesterol is important. Cod liver oil increases HDL which is GOOD cholesterol. If your HDL increases thats a good thing.

Your LDL and trigs need to come down and HDL needs to go up. If you doc is telling you to stop taking cod liver oil, then
Looking at the results then, your trigs/hdl ratio is 1.7 The target for diabetics is be under 1.3. This gives an indication of the level of VLDL (very low density) cholesterol, which is the dangerous stuff. If you can get that HDL up a bit and trigs down a bit, it will reduce your risks nicely.

Perhaps if you were to reduce your carb intake a little, it would reduce your trigs a little way. More fish for the HDL and I suspect as a result of those, your LDL would fall at the same time.
Well it's been a while since I last posted. Had another fasting glucose test a week ago and also my cholesterol was checked again. My glucose was still higher than it should be, 6.2. I've now agreed to go for the GTT test as I suppose it's better to know than bury my head in the sand. As for my cholesterol 😱 I gave up smoking almost 2 yrs ago, weight went from 7st 10lbs to 10st with the amount I was eating. Worst result was 7.4 with trigs of 2.4. So over the last six months I've tweeked my diet, weight is now 8st 3lbs and done everything I was advised to do. Cholesterol came back at 6.9, trigs were 1.5, HDL 1.2 and LDL was 5. Now with the question mark over my glucose, Dr has now put me on statins which I was really against taking. Only a low dose to start with 20mg (Simvastatin). I know about the muscle probs some people get and would of course be straight back to Dr's if I get them. It just seems to me that they are sticking everyone on these statins!

Do you think my Dr is being over zealous? She did worry me when she said high cholesterol/possible diabetes is not a good combination. There is no diabetes in my family that I know of and I have no symptoms.
Hi Hilary,

I hope that the result of your GTT shows that you don't have diabetes. Hope the statins help with your cholesterol and you are side effect free
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