i'm really happy

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Guys

I just had to tell you all, that i have just put myself on the scales and discovered that i have lost two stones.

i started dieting in october when i had my first epileptic fit and discovered i was diabetic i was 16 stone then and now i am 14 stone. my aim is 10 stone.

Wow! that's absolutely fantastic hun and I'm honoured to be able to congratulate you 🙂 You go girl because you can clearly achieve whatever you want to 🙂 xxx
Angie congratulations thats one amazing loss it is always good to hear nice happy stories of people weight loss, well done and keep it going hun xxx
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Blimey, girl! Well done!🙂 You deserve it! xx
well done, i too lost another 2 lbs this week which now takes my total weight loss to 2 stones. I weighed in at 15 stone when i was diagnosed last October and now weigh 13 stone, i have a long way to go but i'm determined to get there - well done to you! 🙂
well done, i too lost another 2 lbs this week which now takes my total weight loss to 2 stones. I weighed in at 15 stone when i was diagnosed last October and now weigh 13 stone, i have a long way to go but i'm determined to get there - well done to you! 🙂

And well done to you Carina all your hard work is paying off good workx
Well done That is great, 🙂
Hi Guys

I just had to tell you all, that i have just put myself on the scales and discovered that i have lost two stones.

i started dieting in october when i had my first epileptic fit and discovered i was diabetic i was 16 stone then and now i am 14 stone. my aim is 10 stone.


well done, i too lost another 2 lbs this week which now takes my total weight loss to 2 stones. I weighed in at 15 stone when i was diagnosed last October and now weigh 13 stone, i have a long way to go but i'm determined to get there - well done to you! 🙂

Congratulations to you both :D :D. Such fantatic achievements!! I got my 50lbs loss certificate at weightwatchers the other week and beleive me I was walking on air for days. Keep up the good work - onwards and downwards as the saying goes xx
Gosh you put me all to shame. I have half my body weight to lose so have been to see a dietician in hospital !!! I wanted someone to give me a menu plan for a week so I could just follow it and not need to think. He said it was highly unusual and that normally they give advice. I started saying I know about food, I said I know what pasta does to blood sugars etc etc, he had no clue. I ended up giving him a lesson about food and blood sugars and this is a qualified dietician. Rather worrying if you ask me.

Anyway he knew I meant business by this time so he managed to find a 4 week plan and print it out for me !!

Well done everyone, you have done marvellously.

Great stuff Angie! Keep unloading it!

Best wishes - John
Well Done Angie that is fantastic news x
Well done you, keep up the good work. 🙂
That really is good news, well done Angie, go for it.
reponse to adrianne

hi there

i saw your reply about the dietician and was frankly appaulled, my surgery keeps on about me seeing the dietician, but so far i have managed to avoid it, and now i have decided to do a course to become a nutritionist, as i am already a complimentary therapist, and have previously lost over 5 stone(several years ago) i think i know what i am doing, i don't claim to be an expert not yet anyway, but i have dieted a great deal and know that its not just about the foods we eat its also about exersize.

Even though i suffer from rhumatoid arthritis, diabetes and epilepsy i still manage to have a little walk, pain or no pain, the painkillers help.

My advice to you is to forget the dietician and walk a little bit building up slowly, as for eating eat sensibly, if your not sure there is always someone here who will try and answer, if not you can email me if you wish.

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