I'm completely flummoxed. About a month ago I had a finger prick test that resulted in 38. I had another test a week ago and it was 48.

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I agree with your general point. On the other hand my diagnosis A1c was 104 just after my 80th birthday. It was down from 32 after 6 months on a diet of protein and vegetables. Mark you I had been seriously overweight and wanted to get back to normal.

As @Maz2 is underweight it's a different situation. Even so dietary changes may be possible. Maz2, why not compare your diet with the ones I just mentioned above:
- David Unwin's Norwood Surgery low carb diet sheet
- Zoe Harcombe's 'What should we eat?'
and Freshwell's advice, a model of clarity.

I find Cronometer (free version) invaluable to keep track of my nutrients.
Thank you. Will look at these. I have pulled off the freshwell.com diet.
Well as far as my brain's concerned it would like to still be 18. Shame about the body its lumbered with .....
My friends are I were out at lunch a few months ago. We all said we feel 20 in our heads, it is a pity our bodies don't agree.
Nor why my feet nor other bits of my body have gradually got so far away!
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