Ideal hba1c

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I am happy with my results last one being 5.2 but would like to be around 4% or even in the 3s would be brill but i can only but try harder.
My diagnosis reading was 8.4

Caroline you should be told your results i would be kicking off if my doc was to refuse to tell me mine.
It's your right to know.
My doc gives me mine all the time no problem.
Good luck with getting hold of your results Caroline.

Hello Caroline, I might be wrong so do excuse me should this be the case, but 5.2 is a excellent result, and to achieve a hba1c of 4 is impossible. Yes its possible to get mid or highs 4's, but in diabetes circles, 4 is classed as borderline hypo territory, hence the saying '4 is the floor'. So, a reading of 3 is totally out of the question I'm afraid.
Dear toby,

I have been diabetic (Type 2) since Jan 1994. From searching the internet I learned that to stay free of complications I should aim for an HbA1c of below 6%. My yearly results have been between 5.4% and 5.8% for the last 12 years and I expect to keep to my target in the future. However, even achieving readings in the 5% range (and no large swings - since I am diet only) I now have the start of peripheral neuropathy. This makes me think that the targets quoted by the medics (6.5% or even 7%) are a little on the high side.

Warmest Regards Dodger

Hello Dodger, I agree that 6.5-7 is possibly to high, but I am unsure how they derive at this figure. Given all the respondents so far, it would seem that most would prefer to keep their levels nearer to 6 or in the 5's, which I think is sensible all round. Unfortunately, complications do arise even in the most tightest controlled diabetic, sometimes people can have diabetes many months or years before diagnosis, and what the medical opinion is, that some damage may have been done in this time, but has not been detected. That is what I was told by my consultant around 2 years back. My latest hba1c was 5.9, but as I am type 1, i am aware that should I lower to far I may lose my hypo awareness, which I would prefer to keep. Thanks everyone for their replies, it was much appreciated!🙂
New HbA1c Target

Dear All,

I just found this and thought some of you might be interested!

Jenny Ruhl's Site

Regards Dodger
I'm a non-insulin dependent Type 2 taking metformin tablets. Personally, I'm aiming to get my HbA1c down to around 4.5% - preferably without needing the metformin tablets that I'm still taking. I know at least one other person who has achieved just that and her experience gives me my motivation to go on.

I don't know whether I'll be able to achieve that level but so far there is every indication that I will be able to get somewhere near that target - I'm already down to 5.1% and my meter tells me that the number is still dropping.

I'm quite pleased with the way that things are going considering that I was diagnosed over nine years ago and I'd let my HbA1c rise to 9.4% before I decided to start taking action myself by disregarding the medical advice that I'd been receiving of "do not test" and to "eat plenty of starchy carbohydrate".

At that stage, I started testing and learnt what was happening to my blood glucose levels and that led me to adjust my diet to cut out most of the starchy carbohydrate that I was eating - i.e. cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, pizza etc - and then things started to improve very quickly indeed and have continued to do so.

Best wishes - John
I am T2 on insulin and metformin

I think, and it is just my opinion, the more overweight and inactive you might be, the more interest in carb counting is required.

I know very slim and athletic people whose Hba1C levels are around 4 - 6 but inactive and less (or not at all athletic) who levels are well above that

I fall into the latter category and the only way I have of getting my levels in a more respectable level is to limit carbs. I need to become more active - at least walk more - I admit the furthest I walk is pushing a trolley round Sainsburys.

However you manage - good luck
Hello Dodger, I agree that 6.5-7 is possibly to high, but I am unsure how they derive at this figure.

Toby - as I understand it, the 6.5% target arose from looking at individual's HbA1c values and comparing them with degree/extent of diabetic complications in those individuals (I don't know how complications were assessed or converted to a numerical figure). They found that if you plotted a graph of HbA1c values versus degree/extent of diabetic complications (in the very broadest sense), there was a very gentle rise in degree/extent of complications from 5.0 to 6.5%, then a very steep rise after 6.5% (i.e. there was a pronounced inflexion in the data curve at 6.5%), so 6.5% was chosen as the target.
Dear Cliff and Northerner,

That's exactly as I understood it and was the reason 6.5% was chosen. However, the study that Jenny Ruhl refers to in her blog is suggesting that 5.5% may the safe upper limit. Indeed, I have never been above 5.8% and yet I now have the start of neuropathy and background retinopathy. So it set me wondering if I had achieved 5.5% would all now be well!

Regards Dodger
Thanks Cliff and Northerner for the explanation. Given what has been said, I would consider 6 or below to be a acceptable figure for all. Type 1's will find it harder to lower their hba1c without the risk of frequent hypo's and losing their hypo awareness, on the other hand, type 2's who are diet controlled or take medication that don't increase the risk of hypo's may achieve tighter control and lower hba1c. It was encouraging that most of the respondents stated that they would like, or are achieving hba1c's of around 6, it would seem that we are all taking our diabetes seriously. Thanks.
From what i have read it seems an ideal HbAic is 5.5% - i would be over the moon if i get to that figure, i do hope to achieve it.
First hba1c result

I had the result of my first hba1c test last week and it was 7.4.😎
I was pleased and my Dr and dietitian were thrilled for me to have such a good first result considering what I have been through and that I am still recovering (healing open wounds from 3 operations and 2 abdo drains that restrict movement and activity). I don't understand much about this result yet but from what I do, the better controlled my diabetes, the better the hba1c since it is taken from blood glucose over the last 3 I right?
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