Ideal hba1c

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As a long-term diabetic, and someone who takes a interest in not only my own control, but others also, I hope you could help me with the following. As we are told time and time again to keep levels below the recommended guidelines, I would like to ask do you good folk have targets of your own? What I mean is, we all would like to achieve and maintain a hba1c that we could happily live with, and would reflect upon the diet and use (amount) of meds and insulin that we use to control our condition. So, what is your ideal level, and do you hope to keep and maintain these levels long-term? Thanks.
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Hi Toby, my understanding is that a level below 6.2% will minimise the possibility of complications to those of a non-diabetic - as long as this is achieved by fairly stable levels, not lots of highs balanced by lots of hypos.

Since my diagnosis nearly two years ago my HbA1c levels have been 11.8, 6.7, 5.2, 5.4 and 5.6. Although they appear to have been creeping up slightly this is because my day to day levels are much more stable with fewer hypos or highs. I will be very happy if I can maintain my levels anywhere below 6% as that appears to what my body is happy with and what I suspect I would have been before I was diagnosed.
Thanks Guys. Northerner, your hba1c is very good, but you are right that it is no good getting a good hba1c if it is a mixture of both highs and lows, much more important is stability I would imagine. I too think anything 6 or below would be ideal to prevent long-term complications. Thanks.
My last HbA1c was 9.9 not good i know but before that it was 13.3 so its heading in the right direction and for me any lowering of level is good news
I would like Alex to get to 6.5% - at the moment he is 7.1%. However, I wouldnt want him any lower if it meant he loses his hypo awareness which can happen if you have very tight control.🙂Bev
My doctor is not good at giving test results, so I'm not sure what mine is. If I ask the nurse she always says she has to ask the doctor if it is OK to tell me. If something is important we as a family go down mob handed and even then he is reluctant. It's good everyone else knows their results and are working towards good control.
My doctor is not good at giving test results, so I'm not sure what mine is. If I ask the nurse she always says she has to ask the doctor if it is OK to tell me. If something is important we as a family go down mob handed and even then he is reluctant. It's good everyone else knows their results and are working towards good control.

Caroline, it is your right to know your results! You have a right to your own medical notes - so if he says no again - just ask him to see them. How odd.:confused:Bev
I have been up and down with my hbA but currently im on 7.4 i would like to get mine down to at least 6.5% and im really pushing to get it there for my next hbA in june
My first HbA1c in January was 6.7% and my next one is in June and i'm really hoping it will be lower, that would make me really happy 🙂
My doctor is not good at giving test results, so I'm not sure what mine is. If I ask the nurse she always says she has to ask the doctor if it is OK to tell me. If something is important we as a family go down mob handed and even then he is reluctant. It's good everyone else knows their results and are working towards good control.

Caroline, it is your right to know your results! You have a right to your own medical notes - so if he says no again - just ask him to see them. How odd.:confused:Bev
I agree, I have always been given my BG levels at my 3/6 monthly appointments. I have all written down in a booklet I was given at my first appointment.
I would ask your GP to write to you with all your results.
I agree, I have always been given my BG levels at my 3/6 monthly appointments. I have all written down in a booklet I was given at my first appointment.
I would ask your GP to write to you with all your results.

yes definetly caroline ask ask ask you are entitled to know these kind of things, how are you to know where to make improvements etc if you dont know your results, goodness even i got my results.😱
Four weeks ago I was 7.6, went on sitagliptin and lower carbs and 4 weeks later down to 6.5, which I am pleased with.
I would be happy with 5.5, but if I only achieve 6.0, then I will be pleased.
I think judging by my daily results on my monitor, my next Hb1Ac will be lower than 6.5 :D
currently 9.5% which is really frustrating as it has taken me 11 years to get it that low from 14.2% at Dx hoping the pump will help further (although it seems after a blissful few weeks the levels are fighting their way back up again) :(

Now, if I can just stop being OCD over the testing! Just gone through my meter and for the past 2 day's I've tested almost once every 30mins. No wonder I'm running out of strips 😱
I am happy with my results last one being 5.2 but would like to be around 4% or even in the 3s would be brill but i can only but try harder.
My diagnosis reading was 8.4

Caroline you should be told your results i would be kicking off if my doc was to refuse to tell me mine.
It's your right to know.
My doc gives me mine all the time no problem.
Good luck with getting hold of your results Caroline.
As a long-term diabetic, and someone who takes a interest in not only my own control, but others also, I hope you could help me with the following. As we are told time and time again to keep levels below the recommended guidelines, I would like to ask do you good folk have targets of your own? What I mean is, we all would like to achieve and maintain a hba1c that we could happily live with, and would reflect upon the diet and use (amount) of meds and insulin that we use to control our condition. So, what is your ideal level, and do you hope to keep and maintain these levels long-term? Thanks.

Dear toby,

I have been diabetic (Type 2) since Jan 1994. From searching the internet I learned that to stay free of complications I should aim for an HbA1c of below 6%. My yearly results have been between 5.4% and 5.8% for the last 12 years and I expect to keep to my target in the future. However, even achieving readings in the 5% range (and no large swings - since I am diet only) I now have the start of peripheral neuropathy. This makes me think that the targets quoted by the medics (6.5% or even 7%) are a little on the high side.

Warmest Regards Dodger
I changed surgeries last year due to a house move. My last care team were very good but this new one is excellent. I had a booklet given to me at my first diabetic clinic "interview" which listed my weight, blood pressure, and blood test results all individually itemised out, whether I had eye screening and when, whether I had feet looked at and when.

I keep this record myself and take it along to each 3 or 6 month appointment or when I need to attend the weekly Tuesday morning or afternoon diabetic clinic which is held as a drop in and/or by appointment. When I hear some of the stories of surgeries on here I could weep for the lack of care some are getting. I know I am SO lucky - and all on the NHS.

My levels are slowly rising from mid 6s to mostly high 7s (sometimes 8s which I know is going the wrong way) but I know I'm being kept monitored and will go along with advice I'm given at my next appointment - but I wish Easter wasn't so near !
my personal target is between 5.8% and 6.3%, any lower than that and I have too many hypos. I have managed to keep my A1c's in that range for the past few years, so I am happy with that.
currently 9.5% which is really frustrating as it has taken me 11 years to get it that low from 14.2% at Dx hoping the pump will help further (although it seems after a blissful few weeks the levels are fighting their way back up again) :(

Now, if I can just stop being OCD over the testing! Just gone through my meter and for the past 2 day's I've tested almost once every 30mins. No wonder I'm running out of strips 😱

I used to test often, but not that often! What i found helpful was on the dafne course, they told me if I wasnt going to do anything about a reading then dont do it! A test should only be done if you intend to use it, eg, dose for food, drive etc. Hope it helps.
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