I thought I could control it but.....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was given a selection box from my boss yesterday (we all were) and it's been calling my name. So tonight I thought, well one won't hurt. Guess what? All six wrappers from six chocolate bars are now in the bin - and the chocolate from six chocolate bars is now making it's way through my digestive system. 😱

I've always had a problem with compulsive eating - maybe I better stay away from chocolate altogether as eating even a small piece triggers me wanting more. How have others coped with this?

I don't feel too good right now, have a headache and my eyes are a bit sore - are those symptoms of high BG?

And where do I go to resign from diabetes .... ?

Anita 🙂
I was given a selection box from my boss yesterday (we all were) and it's been calling my name. So tonight I thought, well one won't hurt. Guess what? All six wrappers from six chocolate bars are now in the bin - and the chocolate from six chocolate bars is now making it's way through my digestive system. 😱

I've always had a problem with compulsive eating - maybe I better stay away from chocolate altogether as eating even a small piece triggers me wanting more. How have others coped with this?

I don't feel too good right now, have a headache and my eyes are a bit sore - are those symptoms of high BG?

And where do I go to resign from diabetes .... ?

Anita 🙂

They is not one of us in here i bet at some point have had the evil eye on that choocie and thought 1 bit wont help, i mean for example i have had alf a terrys choc orange 2night and the other half of it is calling my name out , i can bet you it will be gone by 11, i would say the head pain and sore eyes may be a start or high BG have you tested? there certainly symptoms i get when going HI.I used to have my bit of the fridge but in the end it just got bigger and i stopped i now i have a fruit part of the fridge and i try real hard but still the odd calling from the demon choccie gets in and i cant help but polish off a bar of dairy milk, i really have got good will power but when it comes to choccie and depending on my mood i really cant resist.They are some choccie out there that are 90% cocoa ones i cant remember the name of it right now, but i have been told that cooking choccie is ok not in big quantities i guess but im sure i have seen it is better if any choc can be better then the full fat gear x

its easy to say but try not beatin yourself up about it hun xx
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dont worry hun, we all blip! no body s perfect..we all human x naughty boss
as steff says 90% lindt do one or higheat % you can and savour it ...but No guilt trip x
When I am high I usually get a headache, painful eyes and feel really tired.
When I am high I usually get a headache, painful eyes and feel really tired.

exact same thing phil

Looks like it may be the same for me then. I haven't started testing yet so I don't know for sure - still early days.

I felt a bit sorry for myself last night but I'm feeling a lot better today - back to healthy food now.
Looks like it may be the same for me then. I haven't started testing yet so I don't know for sure - still early days.

I felt a bit sorry for myself last night but I'm feeling a lot better today - back to healthy food now.

good on you its all peaks and troughs with us diabetics, you will have times when you think why me etc and other times you are on top x x
I went to my work christmas do yesterday and we had a three course meal, I had 2 puddings! I cant say no either. For some reason it doesnt get any easier!

I can only say I sympathise Annimay! x
.......And where do I go to resign from diabetes .... ? Anita 🙂

Oh Anita ! IF ONLY it were that easy eh ?

Don't beat yourself up about the excess of chox but get back on track as soon as possible. Having said that we had our U3A Christmas Lunch today and the puddings were...............really lovely ! I wish I'd had the willpower to say no but......well, the fresh fruit pieces in the fruit salad would have sent my BS high anyway wouldn't they ?

Happy Christmas.......
Haha, a kindred spirit!! I helped at a kids' Christmas party for the charity that I volunteer for yesterday - first thing I did was say "no thanks" to a cup of punch, made from fruit juice and lemonade, very bad for the diabetes dontcha know.

Half an hour later, I was wiping the crumbs of two pieces of home made coffee cake, complete with buttercream icing, from my mouth, and helping myself to a mince pie. My self control flew out the window once the cakes appeared!! :D

I tested my BS levels 1 - 1 and a half hours later, and it was only in the 6's, which was a bit of a fluke!! But I did feel a bit cr*p last night, if I'm honest.

I know exactly what you mean, if I have a little bit of something, I want the lot. I have just eaten 2 doughnuts, one I bought for me and the other I bought for my husband.

A box of chocs at work has now been locked away in the filing cabinet to which I dont have a key so I can only get one a day. I know if they are sat out I will eat far too many.

I have had an eating disorder before becoming diabetic and since too. I dont think you ever fully get over it, you can keep it more under control, but sometimes it is harder to control than others.
Its the weirdest thing, but chocolate hardly moves my blood sugar at all.. just as well really coz im going thru at at the mo as if its going out of fashion! I love xmas :D
I've not blipped at all til today (bearing in mind I've been on a really strict diet since diagnosis at the beginning of Nov), had ONE malteser (its my triplets birthdays) and have spent the afternoon in bed because I couldnt stay awake, and am now ten times more thirsty than I was before. And you know what? It didnt even taste nice, I'm not used to horribly sweet things any more.

My new rule is the same as the old one. No sugar, no chocolate, no fat, stick to the diet. I was told I could have a day off for Chrimbo but I dnt know whether I dare.
Lisa, there's no way one malteser could make your levels rise enough to make you feel so bad, it doesn't contain enough carbs. You really need to test to see what your levels are when you feel like that.
One of the triplets had a tummy bug through the night so I was up several times, maybe it's the lack of sleep :confused:
One of the triplets had a tummy bug through the night so I was up several times, maybe it's the lack of sleep :confused:

yep might have been, but you will never know because you didnt test 😛

Not having a go at you btw, just saying :D
Bit hard to test without a monitor! 🙄

Joe (triplet) has just come down with chickenpox since my last post, but I've had that.
My new rule is the same as the old one. No sugar, no chocolate, no fat, stick to the diet. I was told I could have a day off for Chrimbo but I dnt know whether I dare.

T2 Diabetes is about Carbohydrates ( you've lost control of them biochemically), Sugar is only involved because it is a fast acting carbohydrate ( molecular formula C12 H22 O11) in which the carbon and hydrogen are ripped apart easily to make glucose.
Fat - the recommendation of the NHS and Diabetes UK is for a low GI, Mediterranean-style diet in which you get upto 35% of calories from fat including 25% from "good" (unsaturated) fats.
If you are sleepy and want to pee and drink a lot, your bgs are running HIGH. Without testing you are flying blind .
To be fair Peter, that's just a guess and your opinion. We've had this conversation before. My symptoms have not changed since diagnosis, when my fasting level was only 7.8. My HbA1c was only 6.4. So no, I dont just get these symptoms when my bloods are way too high. I get symptoms much earlier.

Edited: as asked to.
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