I just got a letter for dafne course!

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thank you so much for the info - i will be sure to look into it, i have an appointment at the hospital a week on monday so i will mention it and let you know!
Well done for getting on the DAFNE course. It was the best thing that ever happened to me with my diabetes.

I was diabetic for 15 years before going on DAFNE. I was dumped by the childrens clinic since I missed a few appointments and then fell through the cracks. I had 1 appointment at an adult clinic which I had to arrange but I hated it and never went back. I did not see anyone for years until I moved to London. I got myself onto the DAFNE course after seeing a poster in the clinic. I have been told that because I am fat and insulin resistant even though I am type 1, some places would not have allowed me on the course in case I 'disrupted' the learning of the others with my high insulin requirements so I feel very lucky as I am sure that otherwise I would have really bad complications.

Anyway, the point I was making is that DAFNE is for everyone however long you have been diabetic for, nobody in my group had been diabetic for less than 10 years. I think it is needed more if anything if you have been diagnosed a while, since after a while the doctors seem to leave you to it a bit unless you specificially ask them things.

The dafne site is at http://www.dafne.uk.com/, dafneonline is mainly for those who have completed the course and want to get further support.
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