I have stopped losing weight - any ideas?

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There is a school of thought that says high insulin levels will block stored fat from being released from fat cells in the body. In the early stages of Type 2 insulin levels in the blood are likely to very high - the insulin just doesn't work properly due to the phenomenon of 'insulin resistance'. Experts who subscribe to that school of thought recommend avoiding carbohydrates - so little or no fruit with breakfast, if you want to lose weight. This will reduce the amount of insulin in the blood, enabling fat to be released from fat cells and burned. Some even suggest that this is necessary for a Type 2 - that it's difficult or impossible for a Type 2 to lose weight if, for example, they eat much fruit (or bread, or any other carbs).

This concept is controversial (at least it is for me), mostly because it does not fit with experience for you, or for me, or for many others with Type 2. If the 'insulin blocks fat burning' theory does hold water it certainly doesn't apply to everyone with Type 2. As a result different experts have different, sometimes strongly held views on the subject of the best way for a Type 2 to lose weight.

As to drinking water - there are many reasons given by experts as to why this is a good idea but for me the reason is purely practical. I find that when I'm losing a lot of weight my digestion slows. I've read this is due to the body trying to extract as much energy from food as possible. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep the bowels moving.
I thought that fat blocked the pancreas from producing insulin and therefore lack of insulin in the blood stream. When the fat from the pancreas is broken down then insulin is produced again. That’s why I’ve concentrated on losing weight or fat to put it bluntly
I won't be having fruit for breakfast as my BG went from 5 to 9 whereas my lunch of salad went from 4 to 5.2.
Looks like its scrambled eggs or omelette from now on......
Had bacon 2 eggs and salad for mine and was hungry an hour or so later the BG goes down 2 hours later anyway
I was always encouraged to eat high carbs at breakfast - so 'healthy' - so insulin was released and no matter how I exercised, how I reduced fat and calories, I could not lose weight. My face turned grey I was faint, slightly dazed, and any exertion could cause me to collapse with my heart throwing wobblies and attempting to escape. I would retain water, and at one point when my weight was checked on two consecutive days the nurse was angrily demanding to know what I'd been stuffing myself with and would not believe that I had not eaten anything at all.
I thought that fat blocked the pancreas from producing insulin and therefore lack of insulin in the blood stream. When the fat from the pancreas is broken down then insulin is produced again. That’s why I’ve concentrated on losing weight or fat to put it bluntly
This is also true. In simple terms the general stages of type 2 (which do not seem to apply to everyone) are first, insulin levels and insulin resistance rise. Blood sugar remains steady at this point as there is enough insulin in the blood to do the job. Insulin levels continue to rise over time but is less and less effective, and blood sugar starts to creep up as a result. Then either insulin becomes so ineffective that blood sugar goes way up, or insulin production starts to drop because of a fatty pancreas, which can also cause blood sugar to go way up. It seems that either of these problems can happen or both can happen. Losing a lot of weight gets fat out of the liver, likely making insulin more effective, and gets fat out of the pancreas, likely improving insulin production. Weight loss appears to solve the two problems of insulin resistance and poor insulin production at the same time, at least for many people.
I won't be having fruit for breakfast as my BG went from 5 to 9 whereas my lunch of salad went from 4 to 5.2.
Looks like its scrambled eggs or omelette from now on......
What fruit did you have as not all fruit has the same amount of carbs. Berries except blueberries are lowest and with full fat Greek yoghurt usually make a good low carb breakfast which will fill you up until lunch time.
I had raspberries x 8 plus 3 dollops of yoghurt on top of 50g oats and milk.
Sort of version of overnight oats.
There is a school of thought that says high insulin levels will block stored fat from being released from fat cells in the body. In the early stages of Type 2 insulin levels in the blood are likely to very high - the insulin just doesn't work properly due to the phenomenon of 'insulin resistance'. Experts who subscribe to that school of thought recommend avoiding carbohydrates - so little or no fruit with breakfast, if you want to lose weight. This will reduce the amount of insulin in the blood, enabling fat to be released from fat cells and burned. Some even suggest that this is necessary for a Type 2 - that it's difficult or impossible for a Type 2 to lose weight if, for example, they eat much fruit (or bread, or any other carbs).

This concept is controversial (at least it is for me), mostly because it does not fit with experience for you, or for me, or for many others with Type 2. If the 'insulin blocks fat burning' theory does hold water it certainly doesn't apply to everyone with Type 2. As a result different experts have different, sometimes strongly held views on the subject of the best way for a Type 2 to lose weight.

As to drinking water - there are many reasons given by experts as to why this is a good idea but for me the reason is purely practical. I find that when I'm losing a lot of weight my digestion slows. I've read this is due to the body trying to extract as much energy from food as possible. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep the bowels moving.

I was diagnosed as diabetic about a month ago so I decided to try and lose weight. I have walked 40 miles a week and the weight came off until about a week ago. I eat oats, milk, yoghurt and a little fruit for breakfast and a salad for lunch (includes feta/chicken) that fits in a standard lunch box. I don't bother with an evening meal but might have a banana or two (max) chocolate digestives. I walk 4+ miles a night without fail! and I walk the rest on a weekend to make up 40miles. So I would say I eat 1000 calories and walk off 400. I am totally fine with that regime for a couple of months. (Craving roast pork and crackling)

However I would expect to have last 3lbs last week and I didn't - whats going on? I haven't drunk alcohol for a month so anyone know why?
Maybe I have lost water - I don't think I have grown much muscle.

I need this regime to succeed. I am 15stone 4lbs down from 16 stone
Briefly, stick to protein and vegetables. Have a look at the Harcombe Diet. Google for the Handy Guide. Try Phase 1 for a week or two.
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