I have my pump!

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I am now live on insulin! I started yesterday morning and things seem to be going ok so far, though it's been a bit weird getting used to not injecting! I keep having moments of panic when I think I've forgotten an injection 😱

My nurse has started me off quite cautiously, since I'm having so many problems with hypos. She cut my insulin back more than she normally would, and had me run a temp basal of 80% for most of yesterday, as my lantus is probably still kicking around. She's also cut my ratios back to 1:10, which I thought was overkill, but I'm amazed that I took half as much insulin as I usually would for breakfast and my numbers have been pretty much ok!

I had a couple of hypos yesterday afternoon when the temp basal was off, but overall I can't believe how stable my numbers have been! :D We ended up having pizza for dinner last night (not the best thing to have first day on the pump, I know!) so I stuck a combo bolus on, using the same split and time as i would have for injections, and tested throughout and two hours after it had finished. I was fine throughout, but rose to 12.5 afterwards, which I'm counting as not too bad for pizza! 😛 One of the reasons I love my nurse is that apparently they don't normally teach people about the combo bolus and things like that until after the first month, but she's quite happy for me to use it if I feel comfortable. 🙂

Otherwise my numbers have all been around 8, which is what my pump is set to correct me to. It's amazing!
Hope it all goes well Ange.

I love the fact that you all give your sidekicks names.

Happy days 🙂
Well done Ange sounds like yuo have a great partnership x
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