I have my pump!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I got my insulin pump this morning! It is awesome and shiny and blue and has a lovely big colour screen. I have decided to name him Chuck. :D

I'm on saline rather than insulin at the moment, to give me a week to practice and get used to it. It was a bit weird this morning. I was supposed to start in a group of three, but we all chose different pumps, and so we had individual pump starts. It was quite intense, but really cool, and I hadn't realised how worried I was about infusion sets until I was about to do it. The nurse was awesome though, really supportive without being too nicey nice. Now I've done it once, it was a piece of cake, and I can't even feel the set at all! :D

So this week I get to play, and then next week it's onto insulin. I've decide I'm going to write from home next week, since from everyone elses' accounts it can be a bit exhausting setting things up, and I may as well take the opportunity to do it from home if I can. 🙂
Wooo! Congratulations. Got any ideas for a name? Which one have you got? I'll be getting hold of my Medtronic Veo in April.

Wooo! Congratulations. Got any ideas for a name? Which one have you got? I'll be getting hold of my Medtronic Veo in April.


I've decided to call him Chuck. It seems to fit somehow. 🙂 I went for the animas 2020 in the end. We had a choice of the Medtronic Veo, Animas 2020 or Accuchek spirit combo, and I went for the animas mainly because it's a little bit smaller and I like the colour screen! :D

I had a six month wait to get to this point, so I know how long a wait it can seem! But soon you'll have your Veo. 🙂 Have you thought of a name for yours yet?
Congrats Ange!

Pics please!!!! I love the Animas, and most of the time I am jelous of it!

Good luck
Congrats Ange

Hope you and Chuck have a good relationship hehe

xxxx happy pumping
Hi Ange

Just wanted to wish you and Chuck a very happy life together!

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Mand 🙂

Thats great news - i can feel your excitement from here!:DBev
I've decided to call him Chuck. It seems to fit somehow. 🙂 I went for the animas 2020 in the end. We had a choice of the Medtronic Veo, Animas 2020 or Accuchek spirit combo, and I went for the animas mainly because it's a little bit smaller and I like the colour screen! :D

I had a six month wait to get to this point, so I know how long a wait it can seem! But soon you'll have your Veo. 🙂 Have you thought of a name for yours yet?

I haven't really though of names but it might get an acronym instead - PIMP = Pancreas In My Pocket! If I'd wanted a Roche one I could have started on it a few days ago but seeing as I'm difficult and wanted a Medtronic one I have to wait until April. I made the decision a few months ago after about two months at uni.
Good choice, Animas 2020 is awesome!!! (sorry Lou! :D)

Mine is just called pump and is feeling left out :(
Here is Chuck!


I have to say, I'm still amazed that I can't feel the set, and I forget that the pump is even there! I'm sure things will change when I have to start dealing with set changes and actually being on insulin and the like, but for the moment I'm in love! :D

Aww, Viki, I'm sure your pump knows you love it! And it's nebver to late to give it a name...😉 🙂
excellant pumping so far good luck next week with chuck xx

Tom as its a veo you could call her ...im presuming a she...cleo or vicky....hey could start a new thread ...what to call Toms pump the same way Blue Peter used to name their pets and do a poll for you xxx😉
Northe, i cant believe you didnt notice my keyboard at the meet - all animas pumpers have them. Mine is green too!

Sat down and had a very serious discussion with Brad last night about whether it was too late to name my pump and we decided not. So he will now be known as Poddington.

Anyone of a vaguely similar age to me should figure it out 🙂
Hi Poddington and hi Chuck!!! Loving the names heheheh....can't wait for them both to meet Poppy 😉 hehehehe!!! Can't wait until PIMP arrives too 🙂

I def advise taking a few days out when you start pumping, although I was at a disadvantage as I got mine a week before xmas so a stressful time anyway!!!!
Okay, this is hilarious!

Randomange, you the man (sorry, just the saying). Love it: Chuck.

Start a Chuck thread! Would love to read about it.

All the best.
Sat down and had a very serious discussion with Brad last night about whether it was too late to name my pump and we decided not. So he will now be known as Poddington

Poddington! I love it! :D

Hi Poddington and hi Chuck!!! Loving the names heheheh....can't wait for them both to meet Poppy 😉 hehehehe!!! Can't wait until PIMP arrives too

I def advise taking a few days out when you start pumping, although I was at a disadvantage as I got mine a week before xmas so a stressful time anyway!!!!

Yeah, at first I was a bit disappointed that I was starting after christmas, because I thought the pump would have been great over that time, but I ended up being that busy I'm glad now that I didn't have it!

I was woken up last night by a no delivery alarm. While I stared at the pump in sleep fogged confusion trying to remember what I should do, Chuck helpfully told me that I should prime! :D So I did, and it's all been fine since. 🙂
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