I dropped HB1AC from 42 to 35 in 3 months

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi - I’m new but came here in Feb 24 to see what I could do reverse prediabetes.

I’ve come back and wanted to share my story.

I was 71kg, neck 16 1/2 inches and waist around belly button 35 inches. Body fat in the thirties.

I did the following:

1. Intermittent fasting
2. Resistance training - 6 days on, 1 day off, Push, Pull, Legs
3. Diet - daily caloric deficit, low carb, low fat, high protein - lean meats, fish and veg, protein shakes
4. Cardio - 15k steps a day, 2 x 45 minute walking outdoors or on treadmill, per day

I did this for 3 months and my glucose dropped from 42 to 35.

I weigh 62kg, neck is 15 inches and waist is 31.5 inches, My bodyfat is under 15% and I feel great.

I know now I must maintain this. My genes are unlucky so will need to stay focused on what I can do to avoid T2. Having a 6 pack is not a bad trade off to be fair.

I hope others can be inspired and do the same!
Many congratulations on a fantastic result and well done for all the hard work you have put in. I am sure your story will inspire others so thanks for posting and best of luck with the maintenance phase.
Wow that is impressive not just from your achievements in terms of weight, inches and HBA1c but also in your dedication in hours. I am not sure how long you spent on resistance training but sadly, many of us do not have 2 hours to dedicate to exercise every day. I am looking forward to when I retire and have the time, I would say "and energy" but I know from the hour of exercise I do most days that exercising gives me energy and helps with my sleep.
Thanks for sharing your story so far @its_an_inheritance_tax

Good luck easing into your maintenance phase 🙂
Wow that is impressive not just from your achievements in terms of weight, inches and HBA1c but also in your dedication in hours. I am not sure how long you spent on resistance training but sadly, many of us do not have 2 hours to dedicate to exercise every day. I am looking forward to when I retire and have the time, I would say "and energy" but I know from the hour of exercise I do most days that exercising gives me energy and helps with my sleep.
to be fair, i spend more time in the spa then gym lol…i do a lot of walking which is good for my mental health and i dont really like eating because i have to clean up after myself ….so i have one meal a day with protein shakes.
Thanks for sharing your story so far @its_an_inheritance_tax

Good luck easing into your maintenance phase 🙂
Thank you!

I want to see how long I can keep this for. I’ve gone off junk food and fizzy drinks …i dont crave them much…but I will treat myself to fish and chips.

I know with my family history i have to change my approach to food…i need to eat clean and keep my body fat to 15% or under…which isn’t a bad thing.. heard there are lots of benefits to having low body fat.
Many congratulations on a fantastic result and well done for all the hard work you have put in. I am sure your story will inspire others so thanks for posting and best of luck with the maintenance phase.

Wow that is impressive not just from your achievements in terms of weight, inches and HBA1c but also in your dedication in hours. I am not sure how long you spent on resistance training but sadly, many of us do not have 2 hours to dedicate to exercise every day. I am looking forward to when I retire and have the time, I would say "and energy" but I know from the hour of exercise I do most days that exercising gives me energy and helps with my sleep.
Thank you! Looking forward to my new lifestyle!
Many congratulations on a fantastic result and well done for all the hard work you have put in. I am sure your story will inspire others so thanks for posting and best of luck with the maintenance phase.
Thank you! I hope it inspires those with T2 or risk of T2 to know it is possible to improve these markers with some lifestyle changes.

I feel quite sad to be fair..The day after I got my results, Dr Michael Mosely died. I was really upset as his books inspired me to make the changes I did. Once I had my prediabestes diagnosis, I read his books on how to delay onset of T2 or put into remission using 5-2 diet. He was inspiring.
Yes, very sad indeed about Michael Mosely but lovely that you are able to acknowledge his work and that your success is part of his vast legacy. He was a good guy!
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