I can't actually remember the last time i drank water.

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The recommended intake of water is 8 average size glasses, but it matters not how you get this fluid, so you can include tea, coffee, squash or fizzy drinks, or a combination of them all. Dehydration can lead to ill-health, so its best to at least try and reach the recommended amount, but just be careful with diet coke as it does contain caffeine, and high levels of caffeine can cause increased bp, headaches and irritability to name a few. Toby.
Being from the North I find the idea of buying water quite difficult to accept. Now exiled in the South however I find it almost impossible to drink the water from the tap that we get here because of all the chalk and its lack of softness. I find that it is very drinkable though after pouring some into a bottle and chilling it in the fridge for a few hours. I am sure someone can find some reasons for not drinking tap water stored in a fridge for long periods but I am happy with this solution.

One further factor to remember about Diet Coke and other fizzy drinks is the gas does also fill your stomach and help reduce your appetite. Maybe Estellaa could try drinking fizzy water as an alternative?
... if we were ill, Dad would insist of given us hot orange/lemmon squash and a couple of junior asprines to cure all... Totally disgusting..
This was the standard reaction to illness and cold weather (without the tablets) in my childhood home too although I quite liked it. When I played football for the school as a 10 year old on Saturday mornings we would return to the changing rooms after the match to be served by the sports teacher some Vimto cordial (full sugar, this was before I was diagnosed) made with hot water and served in metal cups! As well as warming us up it taught us a valuable lesson in how metal conducts heat! 😛
Chilled beer / ale / bitter/ stout is disgusting / lacking in taste / flavour - draft pint, cool, not chilled is best. ... To my taste, lager is only bearable straight from fridge on a very hot day.
I hope you are not making the mistake of confusing what is served as 'draft lager' in this country with the proper stuff. The better foreign lager (and even some from UK independent brewaries) sold here in bottles is often very drinkable when chilled, even on cold days. Certainly the most refreshing beer I have had the pleasure of drinking is the German Wheat variety. 😎
I would agree on the other beers though, I was really disappointed when I first tasted Guinness in Dublin to find that the bars all chill the taste out of the stuff they serve draft. The concept of Guinness Extra Cold just makes me despair. :(
Being from the North I find the idea of buying water quite difficult to accept. Now exiled in the South however I find it almost impossible to drink the water from the tap that we get here because of all the chalk and its lack of softness.
im the EXACT same rossoneri i used to drink from the tap all the time when i was at home in the north then went down south could not take to the water and went to buying from the bottle then now im back in north ive stuck to buying bottle much to my dads dismay
i drink vimto , you can get sugar free :D its quite nice , i never drink water either yuck!... have been known to drink bottled water though as there is no nasty after taste that you get from tap water

Bex are you in a hard water area with a lot of limescale in your kettle for example?
If yes is the answer............
Then move to Scotland where we get the lovely soft stuff ...straight from the tap! All it needs is putting in a bottle and then put in the fridge to chill it a little and it tastes fine, honest!
Having spent a week in the Yorkshire Dales recently I really appreciate the difference in tap water between here (in Southampton) and there. Up North we don't have to put special tablets in the washing machines or use 'Brita' water filters or half a gallon of washing up liquid or descale the kettle three times a week! 🙂
Generally, it doesn't really matter what drinkable fluid you use to wash down tablets / capsules. Best to drink first, then swallow tablet / capsule, then drink more, all while standing up, or at least sitting upright. Paracetamol is available in soluble form. Occasionally, there are specific instructions to take with / after food (or at least with / after milk), avoid milk, take with orange juice, avoid grapefruit etc. That's what the patient information leaflet is for, if you forgot to ask pharmacist before leaving the chemist shop.

Time to show my igerance here, (I know its spelled ignorance, before anyone starts slagging me. I just in a good/silly mood for some reason tonight).
Why should we avoid milk Copepod? I know about grapefruit juice but what's the problem with milk please, oh knowledgable one? 😛
Having spent a week in the Yorkshire Dales recently I really appreciate the difference in tap water between here (in Southampton) and there. Up North we don't have to put special tablets in the washing machines or use 'Brita' water filters or half a gallon of washing up liquid or descale the kettle three times a week! 🙂

That's one of the reasons I got out of the habit of drinking water. That stuff down London way has been recycled so often and has so much stuff added to it, it should be called soluble flouride instead of water. I tried some straight from the tap earlier and realised the water here actually tastes good.
Careful you dont get addicted to diet coke like my sons mother has she dont drink coffee or tea and tried drinking water instead of d/c and she had withdrawal symptoms!!!!! 😱
Careful you dont get addicted to diet coke like my sons mother has she dont drink coffee or tea and tried drinking water instead of d/c and she had withdrawal symptoms!!!!! 😱

I think I must be an addict, 'cos I go through about 6 cans of the de-caff diet coke a day. 😱
Wow, I thought I was bad :D I don't drink water much either and used to drink alot of coke, but decided to stop as it's so bad for you.

I mostly drink tea & coffee but force myself to have sugar free squash or stick some water in a bottle which makes me drink it more for some reason 😉
Time to show my igerance here, (I know its spelled ignorance, before anyone starts slagging me. I just in a good/silly mood for some reason tonight).
Why should we avoid milk Copepod? I know about grapefruit juice but what's the problem with milk please, oh knowledgable one? 😛

If instructions say take on an empty stomach, then that means don't wash it down with milk. I don't write patient information sheets, but do follow their instructions, and try to find out the reasons behind any instructions, if not given on the sheet. Instructions are different for different medicines, so avoiding grapefruit juice only applies to a very small number of drugs, but for those it's important.
Maybe Estellaa could try drinking fizzy water as an alternative?

i hate fizzy water ew ew, haha sorry its disgusting.
Thing is i hardly drink at all during the day anyhow, although now i go to college once every couple of breaks i will have a can of Diet Coke.
gah i know im addicted, but i don't wanna stop haha.
I'm not a water fan either, have it in my tea and for taking tablets but that was it. Now I drink it with Robinsons Peach Squash which is tasty :D
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