I can't actually remember the last time i drank water.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Seriously i can't, i never drink water.
i hardly drink during the day anyhow, but if i'm out and about then i will drink Diet Coke and there is always diet coke in the house so i drink that, i also have a glass of orange juice a day but that is about the only drinks i have :/
im the same - drink lots of diet coke. but i also have lots of tea which has water so im not too bad. you could try putting kia-ora or miwadi in your water?
i don't drink tea or coffee either, i hate them
I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with not drinking water, although just having diet coke all the time probably has other health issues tha water wouldn't give you. Orange juice isn't the best choice either, unfortunately, as it will send your blood sugars high very quickly - I used to love it, but now can only drink it if I'm hypo and need a quick sugar boost.

You need to start experimenting, I think - might be difficult at first, but your taste really does adapt after a while. For example, I always used to dring fll cream milk, but changed to semi-skimmed and now skimmed, and I really can't drink full fat any more - tastes disgusting! It's worth the effort to give yourself more variety in taste, and also give your body a rest from whatever is in Coke!😱
haha, i have orange juice with my cereal (Y)
and i hate milk, i don't like squash drinks like the robinsons stuff.
what else is there for a diabetic?
Oh how dare you how could you not drink water lol just joking, its the only thing i drink from day to day,i might treat myself and have lemon flavoured water lol x
i drink vimto , you can get sugar free :D its quite nice , i never drink water either yuck!... have been known to drink bottled water though as there is no nasty after taste that you get from tap water
haha, i have orange juice with my cereal (Y)
and i hate milk, i don't like squash drinks like the robinsons stuff.
what else is there for a diabetic?

Hehe! If I didn't know how old you are I might suggest beer! :D My brother in law isthe same as you - will only drink Coke, but he drinks the full sugar stuff because he's not diabetic! It's true that diabetes can limit what you drink if you don't like drinking water. Why don't you like water?
well there is no flavour to it ahahah, and damn being 16.
although i might be a rebel and go and have a v+dc any guess to what that is? ahhahhaa
well there is no flavour to it ahahah, and damn being 16.
although i might be a rebel and go and have a v+dc any guess to what that is? ahhahhaa

vodka and diet coke???? 😛
If you don't drink water, and if you have to take oral medication (we all need paraceteml sometimes or anti biotics)., what do you use?

I probably should have more water, but I do drink tea with a splash of milk, diet coke, the odd fruit juice and Dr. Pepper Zero too.
i find keeping a bottle of water in the fridge and having it with quite strong sugar free squash helps me with my water intake. Apparently cooler drinks scientifically taste a lot better which is why beer is usually served chilled (still gross in my opinion though!)
If you don't drink water, and if you have to take oral medication (we all need paraceteml sometimes or anti biotics)., what do you use?

I probably should have more water, but I do drink tea with a splash of milk, diet coke, the odd fruit juice and Dr. Pepper Zero too.

Generally, it doesn't really matter what drinkable fluid you use to wash down tablets / capsules. Best to drink first, then swallow tablet / capsule, then drink more, all while standing up, or at least sitting upright. Paracetamol is available in soluble form. Occasionally, there are specific instructions to take with / after food (or at least with / after milk), avoid milk, take with orange juice, avoid grapefruit etc. That's what the patient information leaflet is for, if you forgot to ask pharmacist before leaving the chemist shop.
i find keeping a bottle of water in the fridge and having it with quite strong sugar free squash helps me with my water intake. Apparently cooler drinks scientifically taste a lot better which is why beer is usually served chilled (still gross in my opinion though!)

Chilled beer / ale / bitter/ stout is disgusting / lacking in taste / flavour - draft pint, cool, not chilled is best. Especially on evenings after walking Hadrian's Wall 🙂 To my taste, lager is only bearable straight from fridge on a very hot day.
Even though we need to reblemish the fluids that we naturally lose to prevent dehydration, it doesn't have to be replaced with pure water..

It's a bit of a miss conception... Yes of cause some form of drinks do contain ingredients that are directics.. but doesn't mean that they don't rehydrate just make's it a tad more difficult.

You be surprised by the liquid we take onboard just from the foods we eat, such as fruits, gravy's, sauces etc.. Even ice-cream!

I generally drink coffee/tea, don't over fussed about fizzy drinks and squash's well I think it my childhood that put me off these as if we were ill, Dad would insist of given us hot orange/lemmon squash and a couple of junior asprines to cure all... Totally disgusting..
...if we were ill, Dad would insist of given us hot orange/lemmon squash and a couple of junior asprines to cure all... Totally disgusting..

In total agreement with you Ellie, about the amount of water we take in from all sorts of sources. Coffee and beer contribute significantly and have a net increase, not decrease in the amount of hydration we get from them.

But hot orange squash? Eeeeeeewwwww!! 😱

My great aunt used to give me and my sister pint mugs of tea when we visited as small children. We became wise to this, so once asked for orange squash - she gave us pint mugs of UNDILUTED orange squash! Never again!
how about trying flavoured water? Perfectly Clear brand I find really nice and so easy to drink...doesn't taste like drinking water at all.

I use the method someone already suggested here already (sorry can't remember your name!!) and that's strong squash with ice cold water - can't be dealing with room temperature water!

Up until about 3 years ago I lived on Diet Coke and that was about it. Then I started working out and doing that with diet coke just wasn't going to work! I am also like you and don't like tea or coffee either so it's DC or squash for me.

I also avoid OJ because I can only drink it when having a hypo...any other time and my BS will be high for the next few hours.
how about trying flavoured water? Perfectly Clear brand I find really nice and so easy to drink...doesn't taste like drinking water at all.

I use the method someone already suggested here already (sorry can't remember your name!!) and that's strong squash with ice cold water - can't be dealing with room temperature water!

Up until about 3 years ago I lived on Diet Coke and that was about it. Then I started working out and doing that with diet coke just wasn't going to work! I am also like you and don't like tea or coffee either so it's DC or squash for me.

I also avoid OJ because I can only drink it when having a hypo...any other time and my BS will be high for the next few hours.

i agree re perfectly clear the purple labelled one is the nicest think it is cranberry and something else give it a go!
I'm not madly keen on plain water either and take most of mine in the form of tea having read somewhere that you get more hydration from a cup of tea than a glass of cold water. I do, however, have the odd glass or three with a little 'no added sugar' squash. I like the Robinson's ones and currently have a choice of orange & pineapple or peach in the cupboard.
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