I can feel the urge to binge starting up again

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@Jenny65 - I meant to mention I know of a couple of people whose migraines stopped when they got their diabetes into a good place. One friend had had her headaches since puberty, and was maxed out on hospital prescribed meds. Now? No migraines for a few years and certainly no drugs.

Fingers crossed you can maybe replicate that.
Oh I hope so, that would be something positive x
Is it @rebrascora too who has seen an improvement in migraines since improving their BG profile?

It feels like your diabetes diagnosis has come at a pretty tricky time for you, and with disordered eating in your past, it’s a doubly difficult diagnosis to receive, since so much or all diabetes management revolves around balancing food, meds amd activity.

Your life is entering a new chapter - and you are having to set aside some of the visions and pipe-dreams you had for yourself. This can be a pretty raw and uncomfortable experience.

My wife died after a short and brutal dance with terminal pancreatic cancer 3 and a bit years ago (we chuckled darkly that of course it would have to be pancreatic cancer she got, given my dodgy pancreas being part of our relationship for decades). So I’m familiar with that slightly ‘lost’ and ‘spare’ feeling. Not really knowing how to be a you that isn’t half of an us. And having those plans, crazy pipe dreams, and even quite practical expectations suddenly turn to mist and vapour.

But here we still are, and there is still a lot of life out there to be lived and many adventures to discover for either of us.

Have you ever considered any kind of talking therapy? Having a trained person to nudge open and honest conversations into being more open and even more honest can be very revealing, and very healing.

You may be able to get a referral from your GP?

And feel free to offload here. Never worry about ’being too down’. that’s exactly when we want you to feel able to be open here.
Is it @rebrascora too who has seen an improvement in migraines since improving their BG profile?

Yes, I haven't had a migraine since diagnosis but considering I had had them for 20+ years, I don't think it is necessarily BG related but more to do with changing my diet to low carb and cutting out sugar.
I was averaging roughly one a month pre-diagnosis and I've not had a single one now in 3.5 years since I changed my diet. Considering that I would be laid up in bed for a day in the dark, head splitting and shaking and vomiting with them and sometimes passing out whilst vomiting. It had got pretty scary as well as excruciating. I find it hard to believe but hugely relieved that I am free of them now and that they just stopped so suddenly like that. It is certainly enough to keep me on the straight and narrow with my low carb diet if nothing else. I don't ever want to go back to being ill like that again.
Yes, I haven't had a migraine since diagnosis but considering I had had them for 20+ years, I don't think it is necessarily BG related but more to do with changing my diet to low carb and cutting out sugar.
I was averaging roughly one a month pre-diagnosis and I've not had a single one now in 3.5 years since I changed my diet. Considering that I would be laid up in bed for a day in the dark, head splitting and shaking and vomiting with them and sometimes passing out whilst vomiting. It had got pretty scary as well as excruciating. I find it hard to believe but hugely relieved that I am free of them now and that they just stopped so suddenly like that. It is certainly enough to keep me on the straight and narrow with my low carb diet if nothing else. I don't ever want to go back to being ill like that again.
Your migraines sound far worse than mine were, I only had visual problems, no pain or sickness, sometimes felt sick but I wouldnt pass out or vomit. I would feel extremely tired for 24 hours. I know mine were linked to hormones because of the time I got them, on occasion though they could be triggered by stress and lack of sleep, and once I think it was a furniture polish that triggered me.

I had a headache this morning (not migraine) and it was definitely dehydration as I had 2 glasses of wine last night on an empty stomach! I had wine instead of dinner so I stayed under 1200 calories, probably not a sensible choice, but its done now 🙂

Glad your migraines have cleared up x
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